Genoray Triana Bridge
In the Main Menu, click Setup, Program Links. Double-click on Triana from
Genoray Triana is an imaging software. Website:
To enable the bridge:
Command Line: An example of the command line function that we use would be:
C:\Program Files\Triana\triana.exe -Fc:\Program Files\Triana\import.iniThis command line opens Triana with the patient from the import.ini file. Programmatically we update the import.ini when the user clicks the button.
Import.ini Path
EXECUTE=3 (required)
(Available 2: Open, 3: Registration and open/If he or she has been registered just reopen, 4: Onlyregistration)
PATIENTID=Patient_ID(Chart No.) (Reqired)
FIRSTNAME=Patient_First_Name (Required)
LASTNAME= Patient_Last_Name
BIRTHDAY=YYYYMMDD ( Ex: 19801231 )
PATIENTCOMMENT=Patient comment (This will be blank)
GENDER= Sex_ID (Available 1: Male, 2: Female, 3: Another)