In the Main Menu, click Setup, Program Links. Double-click on DBSWin.

DBSWin is a digital imaging software. Website: http://www.airtechniques.com/product/dbswin-imaging-software/.

To enable the bridge:

  1. Check the Enabled box.
  2. Double-click on a row in Additional Properties to change settings.
    1. Use the PatNum (enter 0) or ChartNum (enter 1) as the patient ID.
    2. Verify the Text file path Value.
  3. Set up a clickable bridge button.
    1. Under Add a button to these toolbars, highlight where to display the button.
    2. Enter the Text on button.
    3. (Optional) Import an image to show on the button (22 x 22 pixels).
  4. If using clinics, click Hide Button for Clinics. Select which clinics the button should display on.
  5. Click Save.


DBSWin must be opened and running in the background for the bridge to launch.

If experiencing any file errors using this bridge, try running Open Dental and/or DBSWin as an administrator.

If DBSWin is not switching patients as expected, patients may need to have their Date of Birth entered in Edit Patient Information.