Database Maintenance for Patient
The patient level Database Maintenance tool checks the database for improper settings, inconsistencies, and corruption for a single patient.
In the Main Menu, click Tools, Misc Tools, Database Maintenance Pat.
This tool is useful for large offices that cannot run a full database maintenance fix during regular office hours.
Also see: Database Maintenance.
The tool is divided into three tabs.
Patient: Defaults to the patient currently selected. Click [...] to select a different patient.
The Patient Specific Database Checks grid is comprised of a list of methods. Each method is designed to resolve a specific problem.
Show me everything in the log: Check to include a detailed results log when checking/fixing. Uncheck to show a truncated version of the results.
Check: Click to run database checks and display results.
Fix: Click to run database checks and fix any errors that do not require a manual fix.