Database Maintenance
The Database Maintenance tool checks the database for improper settings, inconsistencies, or corruption.
In the Main Menu, click Tools, Database Maintenance.
The Database Maintenance tool is split into four tabs:
Database maintenance is comprised of a list of methods. Each method is designed to resolve a specific problem.
Every time any check or fix is run, MySQL checks every single table for corruption, so there may be a delay. As checks are complete, the Results log updates.
Database maintenance repair log files are saved to the A to Z folder in the DBMLogs subfolder.
Some errors detected during a check must be fixed manually. If the results log indicates a manual fix is needed, double-click on the row to open more details.
This window is non-modal. It can remain open while the issues are fixed.
Each database maintenance method can be hidden so it no longer shows in the list of Database Methods. This can be useful for methods an office doesn't use.
To unhide a method, right-click on the method and select Unhide.
Database maintenance methods that are no longer needed or outdated are moved to the Old tab. Methods can still be run from this window, but only do so if instructed by Open Dental Support as they can be unnecessary and time consuming.
Running old methods is done the same way as in the Checks tab above.
Why do I get the message: Log not saved to Repairlog.txt because the user does not have permission to access that file.
IT needs to grant the user permission to the DBMLogs folder (typically C:\OpenDentImages\DBMLogs).
Why do I get the message: WARNING! More than 50 workstations are connected to this database. Running DBM may cause severe network slowness. We recommend running this tool when fewer users are connected (possibly after working hours). Continue?
More than 50 workstations are connected to the database. We recommend waiting until after office hours to run database maintenance as it can cause slowness.
I was told to run database maintenance twice, why?
Some methods, when run, create additional results for other methods. Running database maintenance twice may be necessary to catch all results.