Main Menu
The Main Menu runs across the top of the main window and is always visible.
Each menu item has submenu items. You must click onto a menu item because Windows F10 functionality is disabled in Open Dental.
Log the current user off of Open Dental. See Security to set up user groups, users, passwords, and permissions.
Change Password, Email Address Edit, User Settings, Printer Setup, Graphics Preferences, Choose Database. Exit closes Open Dental.
Most setup options require the Setup Permission to access. Some submenu items are divided into categories.
Appointments: Appointment Field Defs, Appointment Rules, Appointment Types, Appointment Views, ASAP Message Setup, Confirmation Setup, Insurance Verification Setup, Operatories, Setup Reactivation, Recall, Recall Types, Setup Reactivation.
Family/Insurance: Claim Forms, Clearinghouses, Insurance Blue Book Setup, Insurance Categories, Insurance Filing Codes, Patient Fields, Electronic Payer IDs.
Account: Allocations Setup, Payment Plan Templates
Chart: EHR Setup Window, Procedure Buttons
Images: Imaging Devices, Imaging Quality, Mount Definitions.
Manage: Email Setup, Messaging, Messaging Buttons, Time Card Setup.
Advanced Setup: API Developer Setup, Computers, API Setup, HIE Setup, Generic HL7, API Setup, Replication, Show Features, Scheduled Processes.
Others: Preferences, Alerts, Auto Codes, Automation, Auto Notes, Code Groups, Paths, Definitions, Dental Schools, Display Fields, Fee Schedules, Fee Schedule Groups, Laboratories, Practice Setup, Program Links, Quick Paste Notes Setup, Reports, Required Fields, Dental School Requirements Needed, Schedule Setup, Security, User Edit, Security Badges, Sheets, Spell Check, Task, Web Form Setup.
Obsolete: Quick Letters, Questionnaire.
A central location to manage master lists.
Procedure Codes, Allergy List, Clinics, Contacts, Counties, Dental School Classes, Dental School Courses, Discount Plans, Employees, Employers, Carriers, Insurance Plans, Lab Cases, Medications List, Pharmacies, Rx / Prescriptions List, Problem List, Providers, Referral List, Site List, State Abbreviations, Zip Code List.
Reports, Standard Favorites, Graphic Reports, User Query, Query Favorites, eService Activity Log, Unfinalized Insurance Payment Report.
.Most tools require the "Setup" Permission to access.
Screen Snipping Tool (opens Windows Snip & Sketch), Print Screen Tool, Misc Tools (see below), Advertising (see below), Aging, Audit Trail, CareCredit Transactions (only displays when CareCredit is enabled), Billing/Finance Charges (only displays when Billing/Finance Charges are enabled), CC Recurring Charges, Certifications, Database Maintenance, Dental Student Evaluations, Kiosk Manager, Kiosk Manager, Late Charges (only displays when Late Charges are enabled), Ortho Auto Claims, Patient Dashboard, eRouting, Online Payments, Online Payments, Public Health Screening, Repeating Charges (only shows when Repeating Charges are enabled), Setup Wizard, Dental School Requirements Needed, Web Forms Feature, Wiki, Zoom.
Misc Tools: Close Payment Plans, Blockouts, Create AtoZ Folder, Database Maintenance for Patient, Merge Billing Types, Merge Discount Plans, Merge Image Categories, Merge Medications, Merge Patients, Merge Providers, Merge Referrals, Move Subscribers, Patient Status Setter, Service Manager, Shutdown Workstations, Telephone Numbers, and Test Latency.
Advertising: Postcards Setup (Advertising)
Only shows if Clinics is turned on in Show Features. Use the menu to select the default clinic interface. Options available depend on security settings and the logged-on user.
Online Support: Go to Open Dental's Contact page where you can connect to a support technician for assistance and troubleshooting.
Online Help - Contents: Open the User Manual Table of Contents.
Online Help - Index: Opens the User Manual Search page.
Training Videos: Opens the Webinars and Tutorials web page.
Query Monitor: Opens the Query Monitor window to allow real-time monitoring of queries to the MySQL database.
Payload Monitor: Open the Payload Monitor window. Only available for Middle Tier users.
Request Features: Open the Feature Requests system.
Support Status: Opens the Support Status window to see if your office is currently signed up for Monthly Support.
Update: Check for and download new versions of Open Dental. See Update.
About: Open the About window.