Appointment View Edit
Customize Appointment Views to display preferred information in the Appointments Module.
In the Appointment View Setup window, double-click a view.
Show Operatories in Day View: Determine settings that affect the Appointment View when Day is selected.
In Week View, only show days that have scheduled provs or appts: When checked, days with no scheduled appointment or scheduled providers are hidden from the Appointment View when Week is selected. When unchecked, all days of the week (Monday - Sunday) are shown in Week view.
Select the operatories that show in the Appointment View. If using Clinics, only operatories associated with the assigned Clinic are listed. Click and drag or press Shift or Ctrl while clicking to select multiple operatories. At least one operatory must be selected. Sort order is based on Operatories order.
Select the provider Time Bars to show in the view. Time bars show on the left of the schedule in the appointment color of the provider.
The information that displays on an appointment is determined by rows added to the view. Rows to left of the arrows (Available Rows, Appt Field Defs, and Patient Field Defs) are available to add to an Appointment View. Rows to the right of the arrows (Main List, Upper Right Corner, and Lower Right Corner) are items currently visible in the Appointment View.
Select a row, then use the left and right arrows to add it to or remove it from the view.
When a field has been moved from the Available Rows column, the text color or alignment can be edited.
To edit a field, double-click it. The Appointment View Item Edit window opens.
For ODMobile Feature users, click Mobile to set up the Appointment View for the mobile app.
Use the Left and Right arrows to determine which Available Rows, Appointment Field Defs, and Patient Field Defs display in the Main List on appointments in ODMobile and ODTouch. Fields can only be displayed in the Main List.
Additional Information:
A list of available data that can be shown.
Row Name | Description |
Address | Patient address. |
AddrNote | Address and phone note. |
Age | As calculated on Edit Patient Information window. |
ASAP | Display ASAP when the appointment status is ASAP. |
ASAP[A] | Display A when the appointment status is ASAP. |
AssistantAbbr | The assistant's abbreviation. Displays the first two characters of the assistant's first name entered in the Employees list. |
Birthdate | As entered in the Edit Patient Information window. |
ChartNumAndName | Chart number and patient last name, first name. |
ChartNumber | Chart number only. |
ConfirmedColor | Display a colored circle in the appointment box to indicate Confirmation Status. Define colors for each confirmation status in Definitions, Appt Confirmed. |
CreditType | As entered in the Edit Patient Information window. |
DiscountPlan | The patient's Discount Plan name. |
EstPatientPortion | Estimated patient portion for attached procedures. (patient portion = gross production - estimated insurance write-offs - insurance estimates - discount plan discount). For estimates to calculate correctly you must chart the procedure from the Chart Module then attach them to the appointment. If procedures are added directly to the appointment, you must click into the Treatment Plan Module to update the estimates. |
Guardians | Name of person marked as Guardian in Family Relationships. |
HasDiscount[D] | Display D when patient has a discount plan. |
HasFamilyBalance[$] | Display $ when there is a family balance on the account, regardless of pending insurance. |
HasIns[I] | Display I when patient has insurance. |
HmPhone | Home phone number. |
InsToSend[!] | Display an exclamation point (!) on patient appointments when there are completed procedures within the last year that have not been sent to insurance. This shows for a patient if any family members have an unsent procedure. We recommend placing it in the Upper Right Corner. For this to show, also enable the Show ! on appts for ins not sent, if added to Appt View preference. The exclamation point won't show if a claim has been created for the completed procedure or the insurance estimate is $0. |
Insurance | When in the Main List, displays primary and secondary insurance carriers attached to the appointment. Insured displays if the patient currently has medical insurance or other insurance that is not attached to the appointment (i.e., in the Edit Appointment window). |
Insurance Color | When in the Main List, displays primary and secondary insurance carriers attached to the appointment with a colored background as set in Carriers. Insured displays if the patient currently has medical insurance or other insurance that is not attached to the appointment (i.e., in the Edit Appointment window) and no colored background is set. |
IsLate[L] | Display [L] when a patient is late for an appointment. A patient is considered late if they have no time arrived entered on the Edit Appointment window or if the time arrived value is later than the appointment start time. |
Lab | Show the status of Lab Cases. We recommend changing the text color to red as well. |
LateColor | Indicate a patient is late for their appointment by changing the appointment's color. A patient is considered late if they have no time arrived entered on the Edit Appointment window or if the time arrived value is later than the appointment start time.
MedOrPremed[+] | Display + to indicate patient has Premedicate checked, medical urgent notes, allergies, and/or problems |
MedUrgNote | Medical Urgent Note entered in the Medical Chart. |
NetProduction | Net production of procedures attached to the appointment. Net production is the amount remaining after estimated write-offs and adjustments are calculated. Add this field or Production to see the Daily Prod sum at the right of the Appointments Module. See for additional calculation details. |
Note | The Appointment Note entered on the Edit Appointment window. |
PatientName | The patient's last name, preferred name, first name, and middle initial. |
PatientNameF | The patient's first name. |
PatientNamePref | The patient's preferred name. |
PatientWard | The patient's ward as entered in Edit Patient Information: Hospitals Tab. |
PatNum | Patient number assigned by Open Dental. |
PatNumAndName | Patient number and patient last name, first name. |
PremedFlag | Display Premedicate when Premedicate is checked in the Chart Medical area. |
Procs | List abbreviations for procedures attached to the appointment on a single line, separated by commas. Text wraps to next line if too long for a single line. |
ProcsColored | See Proc Appt Colors. Can only display in the Main List. |
Production | Show the sum of the fees for all procedures attached to the appointment for providers who have a provider time bar showing. Add this field or NetProduction to view to see the Daily Prod sum at the right of the Appointments module. See Production Totals. |
Prophy/PerioPastDue[P] | Display P when a Prophy or Perio Special Recall type is overdue. |
Provider | Displays providers on the appointment. |
RecallPastDue[R] | Display R when any recall type (other than Prophy or Perio) is overdue. |
TimeAskedToArrive | Display the time before the appointment that the patient has been asked to arrive to the office. See Time Ask to Arrive. |
VerifyIns[V] | Display V when insurance has not been verified. Icon shows for patients using Insurance Verification Setup settings. |
WirelessPhone | Patient wireless phone number. |
WkPhone | Patient work phone number. |
The available Patient Fields.