eCW Bridge Modes

If using Open Dental with eClinicalWorks, there are three different bridging modes to consider. Each is described below.

Tight Integration Mode

This is the most common mode used. In this mode, patients are accessed in eCW first. Clicking a link will launch Open Dental for the same patient. Open Dental is closed to transfer the user back to eCW.

Full Mode

In this mode, features will show that you may not use, or that may be complicated to integrate into your processes. This is the only mode that allows users to send pre-authorizations from Open Dental. Most eCW users use Tight Integration instead.

In Open Dental you will have full access to most features including:

Insurance plans are only used for pre-authorizations, and in some cases to show more accurate insurance estimates. You will need to re-enter plan and subscriber information in Open Dental. You should discuss this benefit in detail with a specialist before using Full mode.

You will not have access to:

Standalone Mode

In this mode, Open Dental runs as an entirely separate program. Patients added or demographic information changed in eCW are automatically synced in Open Dental, but no other information will transfer. The user has to log in twice, once for eCW and once for Open Dental. Primary keys must be used to uniquely identify patients in both systems. Because Open Dental has no control over the PatNum, the ChartNumber is used instead. As patients are added, Open Dental will attempt to fill in the ChartNumber field of existing patients to match the internal patient ID from eCW. Once ChartNumber field has been set, it allows straightforward future synchronization.

Choosing a Bridge Mode

The simplest way to choose a mode is to answer one question: Are you already using Open Dental side-by-side with eCW?

Changing modes: