Version 16.4

See Versions.

Version 16.4 was released on 3/31/2017. EHR certified 2014 edition.

Account module


Chart module


Modified Stage 2:



Sales Tax: Apply a sales tax adjustment, based on a percentage, to selected procedures.



Enhanced Select Patient search window to return exact matches first. Selecting Patients
Child Prophy type removed from Setup Recall and Confirmation window. Recall and Confirmation List Setup
Insurance plan information on the Edit Insurance Plan window divided into tabs. Edit Insurance Plan Window
View license information from the About window. Open Dental About Window
Emergency contact information added as importable input fields in medical history forms. Sheets: Medical History Setup
Option to store images on an FTP site using SFTP. Data Paths
Implant graphic for teeth with implants shows on the Graphical Perio Chart. Perio Chart
Teeth with implants are indicated with an 'i' in the perio chart. Perio Chart
Custom bridges can now include gender, patient's primary provider, and patient's clinic. Custom Bridges
Categorize auto notes by folder and reorder the list. Definitions: Auto Note Categories
Collapse/expand all auto notes with a checkbox. Set up Auto Notes
Only the computer that starts an update and admin computers can override an 'update in progress'. Updating Open Dental Versions
Procedure Code Tools warnings show before running a tool that will overwrite customized settings. Procedure Code Tools
Plug-in framework enhanced with virtual exception method. Plug In Framework
Choose where custom patient fields and custom appointment fields show. Custom Patient Fields, Custom Appointment Fields
Line numbers in the wiki scroll with the code text. Wiki Page Add/Edit
Speed enhancements to appointment views. Appointments
Subscribe users to alerts in the CEMT. CEMT Security
Search options added to the Problem List window. Problem List
A middle tier server can host multiple database connections.
Kiosk manager identifies each kiosk by computer name and session name. Launch the Kiosk
Enhancements to keyboard controls for auto notes. Using Auto Notes
Construct a web form URL that links multiple forms together, creates a redirect, and/or associates a clinic. Upload Web Forms
Update web forms without changing the URL. Upload Web Forms
Update the claim tracking status for multiple claims at once using the Outstanding Claims Report. Outstanding Insurance Claims Report
EDS clearinghouse uses web calls to retrieve dental claims. Electronic Dental Services
New automation trigger and action can restrict ability to schedule appointments based on billing type. Automation
Fill Sheet window control panel moved to bottom of window. Filling Out Sheets
Set a default sheet to use for prescriptions printed on a single page (Rx). Setting Sheet Defaults
Superfamilies can be sorted by sorted last names (instead of first). Family Module Preferences
Field added as an option for a message segment: 'messageTypeNoStruct'. Generic HL7 Message Structure.
Patient number added as criteria that links patient clones with the original patient. Patient Clone
Edit Patient Information - Other tab indicates patient's clone relationship and allows user to swap or break the relationship. Edit Patient Information - Other Tab
Public Health tab on Edit Patient Information window has enhanced race/ethnicity options based on CDCREC codes. Public Health Tab
Public Health tab on Edit Patient Information window has areas to document sexual orientation and gender identity. Public Health Tab
Move subscriber confirmation message enhanced for clarity. Move Subscribers
Database maintenance check for pay splits attached to deleted prepayments. Database Maintenance
Breakdown column added to database maintenance window. Database Maintenance
Procedures can have only one estimate per insurance plan. Procedure Info - Financial Tab
Message prompts when enabling eRx enhanced.
Print tool button added to eRx interface to allow printing of Prescriber Report for Ohio requirements. NewCrop eRX / Prescription
TreatPlanOrphanedProcTps DBM makes dummy treatment plans for treatment planned procedures that were once attached to a saved treatment plan that no longer exists. Database Maintenance