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Program Bridges

Within Open Dental you can link to external programs that you use within your practice. We call these links "bridges", and all you need to do is set up a Program Link. Below is a list of program bridges included with Open Dental, with links to detailed setup information.

For more third-party options, see Vendors - Supplemental Services and Products.

We recommend having a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) in place with a third-party program before enabling the associated program link. Many third-party programs gather and retain Protected Health Information (PHI), so a BAA will assist with HIPAA compliance.

Imaging Software
Open Dental works well with many third-party imaging programs. We do not recommend any particular brand of sensor or software.

3Shape Fona OrisWin (see Trophy) Prof Suni (see Apteryx)
Acteon Gendex (see VixWin) Progeny
ADSTRA Imaging GoodDrs (see Ewoo EasyDent) ProImage
AFP Imaging (see ProImage) Genoray Triana QuickVision (see Owandy)
Ai-Dental HandyDentist QSI Image (see Apteryx)
Apex Sensors (see Apteryx) Harmony Imaging (see Apteryx) RayMage
Apixia HDX Will Romexis (see Dimaxis)
Apteryx iCat Scanora
Apteryx XV Web i-Dixel ScanX Visix (uses TigerView bridge)
Belmont XV (see Apteryx) Image FX (see Patient Gallery) Schick CDR Dicom
BioPAK Image XL (see Apteryx) Shining 3D
CADI ImageQ (see Apteryx) Sigma Image XRV (see Apteryx)
Camsight iRYS Sirona SIDEXIS XG
CaptureLink Jazz Imaging SMARTDent
Carestream Kodak (see Trophy) Sopro
Cerec Lightyear (see Apteryx) Soredex Optime (see Digora)
CleaRay Lightyear SpeedVision (no longer sold) SOTA Cloud
Cliniview LynxVision Pro (see Apteryx) SpeedVision (see Lightyear Speedvision)
ClioSoft MaxiViewer (see Apteryx) TigerView
DBSwin MediaDent Trophy, Trophy Enhanced
DDS Works (see Apteryx) MiPACS Tscan
DentalEye MPDx (see Apteryx) Vatech (see Ewoo EasyDent)
DentalStudio NewTom NNT Vipersoft
DentiMax Advanced (see Apteryx) One2 VisionDent (see Apteryx)
Denttio (see Camsight) OneView (see Apteryx) VisionX
Dent-x ProImage (see ProImage) Oriview (see Apteryx) Visix (see TigerView)
Dexis Ortho Insight 3D visOra
Digora Soredex Optime OrthoPlex VistaDent
Dimaxis Owandy VixWin
Dolphin Patient Gallery XDR
Dr. Ceph Patterson Imaging XL Dent (see Apteryx)
Dr. Suni (see Apteryx) Pixel XV Capture (see Apteryx)
DXIS Planmeca (see Dimaxis) XVlite (see Apteryx)
Evasoft PORTRAY XRay Vision (see Apteryx)
Ewoo EasyDent (now Vatech. No longer sold) PreXion Z-Image

Other Programs

Bridge Requests
We pursue all requests for basic imaging bridges. There may be a handful of imaging software companies that have not responded to our contact attempts for bridging details. These requests are put on hold until we hear from the imaging software company. If you want to use a software that we do not bridge to, please let us know.


Open Dental Software 1-503-363-5432