CEMT Patient Transfer
In the Central Enterprise Management Tool ( CEMT ) window, highlight the database the patient is currently entered in. Click Transfer, Patients.
Patients who move between locations can have some basic information exported from one database and imported to another through the Central Enterprise Management Tool (CEMT). Only demographic information is exported to the target database. Account details, treatment history, and insurance information is not included. None of the information for the patient in the old database will be automatically changed.
There are two steps to transferring patients:
See our QuickTip Video: Transfer Patient Between Databases Using CEMT.
Patients to Export: Lists patients to export to a different database.
Databases to export patients to: Lists the database to export patients to.
Export: Click to export the patients. Depending on the number of patients being exported, this process may take some time. A progress bar displays, and once complete, a summary appears.
Change the patient in the old database to Inactive and make a note about moving them to the other database.
Open the new database, then go to Tools, Web Forms Feature.
Click Retrieve New Forms and create new records for each patient. For details on this process, see Web Forms Retrieve.
Once all web forms have been retrieved, all are listed in a window like the one below:
Right-click on each patient in the grid and select View this patient's forms.
In the Patient Forms window, select PatientTransferCEMT and click Import. See Import Patient Forms and Medical Histories for additional details on importing information into the database.