API Userods

See API Specification

See User Edit for more information.

Userods GET

Version Added: 21.3

Gets a list of users (called userod since "user" is a reserved word in mysql). Users are separate entities from Providers and Employees, although they can be linked. A user can be a provider, an employee, both, or neither. CEMT users are not included.

includeHidden: (Added in version 22.4.24) Optional. Either "true" or "false". Set to "true" to return userods marked as hidden alongside those who are not hidden. Default "false".

Returned fields are detailed below:

EmployeeNum: Contains the employeeNum if the user is a employee. Otherwise, 0.
employeeName: The first and last name of the employee. Blank if user is not an employee.
ProviderNum: Contains the provNum if the user is a provider. Otherwise, 0.
providerName: The full name of the provider, including suffix. Blank if user is not a provider.

Example Requests:
GET /userods
GET /userods?includeHidden=true

Example Response:
"UserNum": 1,
"UserName": "Lynda",
"EmployeeNum": 0,
"employeeName": "",
"ClinicNum": 1,
"ProviderNum": 9,
"providerName": "Lynda Larson, DMD",
"emailAddress": "LyndaLarson@email.com",
"IsHidden": "false"
"UserNum": 2,
"UserName": "Charlie",
"EmployeeNum": 3,
"employeeName": "Charles Sorenson",
"ProviderNum": 0,
"providerName": "",
"ClinicNum": 1,
"emailAddress": "Chuck@hotmail.com",
"IsHidden": "true"
"UserNum": 3,
"UserName": "Becca",
"EmployeeNum": 4,
"employeeName": "Becca Alexandria",
"ProviderNum": 6,
"providerName": "Becca Alexandria",
"ClinicNum": 2,
"emailAddress": "BAlexandria@gmail.com",
"IsHidden": "false"

200 OK

Userods POST (create)

Version Added: 22.1

UserName: Required. Must be unique. Cannot end with whitespace.
UserGroupNum: Required. Obtain this separately with UserGroups GET. In the response, only the UserGroupNum used in the POST is returned even though users can belong to multiple user groups.
Password: Required. Strong password is required, so it must be at least 8 characters and have at least one number, one uppercase letter, and one lowercase letter. If the office preference is turned on for requiring special characters, it must also contain a symbol such as $, #, >.

Example Request:
POST /userods

"UserName": "Sally",
"UserGroupNum": 2,
"Password": "My1password"

Example Response:
"UserNum": 7,
"UserName": "Sally",
"EmployeeNum": 0,
"employeeName": "",
"ProviderNum": 0,
"providerName": "",
"ClinicNum": 0,
"emailAddress": "",
"IsHidden": "false",
"UserGroupNum": 2,
"Password": "My1password"

201 Created
400 Bad Request (with explanation)
404 Not Found (with explanation)

Userods PUT (update)

Version Added: 22.4.20

Updates an existing user.

UserNum: Required in the URL.
EmployeeNum: Optional. EmployeeNum for an employee.
ProviderNum: Optional. ProvNum for a provider.
ClinicNum: Optional. ClinicNum for a clinic.
IsHidden: Optional. Either "true" or "false".

Example Request:
PUT /userods/2

"IsHidden": "true"


"EmployeeNum": 3,
"ProviderNum": 2,
"ClinicNum": 1,
"IsHidden": "false"

Example Response:
"UserNum": 2,
"UserName": "User",
"EmployeeNum": 3,
"employeeName": "Beth Assistant",
"ProviderNum": 2,
"providerName": "Tina Jones",
"ClinicNum": 1,
"emailAddress": "",
"IsHidden": "false"

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)