
The medical area is where staff can imput important patient medical information like current medication, problems, allergies, etc.

In the Chart Module, double-click the pink Medical area. Click the Medical Info tab.

Medical Info Tab

Use the Medical Info tab (shown above) to record general medical information about the patient.

Problems Tab

From the Problems tab, you can track any medical conditions or problems a patient may have.

Problems are selected from a customizable master list.

Medications Tab

From the Medications tab, add medications the patient is taking.

Medications are automatically added when creating a prescription in Open Dental or when using eRx. Other medications (e.g., over-the-counter or prescriptions from other providers) can be added to the patient from a customizable master list.

Allergies Tab

Track patient allergies from the Allergies tab.

Allergies are selected from a customizable master list.

Vital Signs

Track patient vital signs (pulse, blood pressure, etc.) that are recorded during a visit.

Medical Information in the Chart

Medical information is displayed in the Patient Info area of the Chart Module.

The displayed fields and background color of the medical area are customizable.