Insurance Verification List

Use the Insurance Verification List to find which patients whose insurance benefits or eligibiity need to be verified prior to their appointment.

In the Appointments Module, click Lists, Ins Verify.

See our video: Managing the Insurance Verification List Webinar.

The Insurance Verification list is managed manually. It can be used to quickly identify when insurance benefits and patient eligibility need verification. You can easily assign ownership of verifications to specific staff members, and then track, change, and manage verification status.

Verification Filters

Filter which patients appear on the verification list by days until appointment, when verification was last done, and insurance carrier. Set the criteria to change the results listed. Filters are available from and affect all tabs. Set defaults in Insurance Verification Setup.

Verification List

The verification list is separated between patients with upcoming appointments and recently completed appointments. View patient insurance information to making it easy to find the information you need when contacting a carrier to verify benefits. Easily open the insurance plan from the list to view or edit benefit information. Quickly update verification dates or add notes using buttons or right-click options.

Assign Verification

You can assign specific staff to a verification to ensure users know who is responsible for follow up. Users can filter the verification list to see only the patients they've been assigned.