Patient Status Setter

The Patient Status Setter tool is used to change the patient status of multiple patients at once.

In the Main Menu, click Tools, Misc Tools, Patient Status Setter.

The tool filters active, inactive, archived, and deleted patients who have not had treatment planned procedures, completed procedures, or appointments since a specified date. The patient status can also be set manually per patient in the Edit Patient Information.

Criteria: This criteria determines which patients to change the patient status for.

Click Create List to update results.

Note: Patients with no history for the selected filter (e.g., no appointment history when filtering by Appointments since) are always shown in the list. These may often be new or prospective patients whom the office does not want to change the status of. Deselect these patients before running the Patient Status Setter Tool to prevent inactivating these patients.

Patients to Convert: List of patients for currently selected criteria.

Select All: Click to select every patient in the list.

Deselect All: Click to deselect all the highlighted patients in the list.

Change Patient Status To: Select which patient status to change the selected patient to. Options are Patient, Inactive, or Archived.

Click Run to change the status of the selected patients.

Changing the Patient Status

  1. To change patient statuses, select the criteria, then click Create List.
  2. Select one or more patients and click Run. Click Yes to change the status of the selected patients.
  3. When the tool has finished a confirmation window is shown with a list of patients that were updated. Click Print to print the list or OK to close.