Enterprise Setup

Determine Enterprise settings in Enterprise Setup.

In the Main Menu, click Setup, Enterprise.

Many of these settings appear in other locations in Open Dental, but changes in either place reflect globally. Enterprise Setup must be enabled in Show Features.

Note: Some grayed-out options can only be enabled via a query. Others can be set elsewhere in Open Dental. See details below. Contact Open Dental Support for assistance.

Account Tab

Aging calculated on receipt of batch claim payments: Determines whether aging is run after entering a Batch Insurance Payment or Processing an ERA.

Aging Report Show Age Pat Payplan Payments: If enabled, a checkbox is added to the Custom Aging Report window to age patient payments to payment plans.

Aging Service Time Due: Read-only. Set by Automated aging run time in Preferences. Time of day aging is calculated. Aging is run during a block of time starting at the time set. Open Dental Service must be installed and running on the server to run aging at the scheduled time.

Patient Payments Use: Determines the default clinic for patient payments (Payment window). There are three options.

Payments prompt for Payment Type: Determines whether or not a Payment Type is automatically selected when entering a patient payment.

Show all transactions since zero balance: Check to include all transactions since the last zero balance for statements generated from Billing.

Claim Identification Prefix: Change the default format of the claim ID. This number is assigned to a claim using the prefix selected, then adding an auto-generated claim number. Useful for internal tracking of claims. Click Replacements to select a prefix.

Receive Reports by Service: Determines the method used to receive clearinghouse reports.

Receive at an Interval: Set a time interval, in minutes, to automatically check the clearinghouse server and download new reports. Only values between 5 and 60 are allowed. 30 is the default.

Receive at a set time: Set a specific time to check the clearinghouse server and download new reports. Time auto-corrects itself to valid format (e.g., 1:00 AM).

Paysplits Allocation: Determines whether or not users are forced to allocate patient payments to procedures and unearned income. Also sets Paysplits setting in Allocations Setup.

Adjustments Allocation: Determines whether clinic and provider of adjustments match clinic and provider of attached procedures. Also determines whether attaching adjustments to procedures is required or optional. Setting only applies when creating new adjustments or editing existing adjustments. Also sets Adjustments setting in Allocation Setup.

Note: Attaching adjustments through the Procedure Edit Window always assigns the procedure clinic and provider to the adjustment.

Hide paysplits from payment window by default:

Pay Plan charge logic: Determines how charges and credits for Payment Plans and Old Payment Plans show in the patient account grid and whether they affect balances, aging, and reports.

Max number of statements per batch (0 for no limit): Enter the maximum number of statements that are considered a batch when sending statements via the Billing List. Enter 0 to set no limit. Useful for large offices that send many statements.

Show progress when sending statements: Determines whether or not a progress bar shows when sending statements via the Billing List.

Advanced Tab

Passwords must be strong:

Strong passwords require special character:

Force password change if not strong:

Lock includes administrators: Lock limitation applies to Admin user group. See Security Lock Dates.

Automatic logoff time in minutes (0 to disable): Set the number of minutes before idle users are automatically logged off.

Manually enter log on credentials:

Global Lock: Global lock dates prevent editing of old items and are the only way to prevent backdating of new items.

DBM Disable Optimize:

DBM Skip Check Table:

Clinics (multiple office locations): See Clinics. Must be enabled from Show Features.

Disable signal interval after this many minutes of user inactivity:This setting is designed to limit the load on database from idle users. Enter the minutes of workstation activity that causes Open Dental to stop sending automatic signals to refresh information. Keyboard and mouse activity cause the view to start refreshing again. If this is set, to keep users viewing the Appointments Module schedule updated, even though signals are not being processed because a workstation is idle, enable the preference, Refresh every 60 Seconds, keep waiting room times refreshed.

If used in conjunction with Auto log off options for Open Dental or Windows (see Global Security Settings), it would be set to a lower value. If Auto Log off is set very low, like two minutes, this Disable signal setting would not be normally be used.

Disabling signals during workstation inactivity can prevent errors due to lack of network access (e.g., if the server is down and comes up again). Once the workstation becomes active (e.g., with a mouse click or mouse movement), the signal resumes at the set intervals (see above). Leave the field blank to prevent to the signal from being disabled during periods of inactivity.

Process signal interval in seconds. Usually every 6 to 20 seconds:The interval, in seconds, that Open Dental automatically refreshes the Appointments Module, Task Lists, and text notifications. Usually the value is 6 to 20 seconds. Leave the field blank to disable auto-refresh. See Refreshing Data.

  • If a workstation has a network access issue when it sends a signal, users receive an Unhandled Exception error. We recommend clicking Quit, then restarting Open Dental.
  • A value must be entered when using the Kiosk Manager feature.

Patient Select:

Enable email address auto-complete: Determines whether email addresses are predicted in the Email Message Edit window.

Commlog fields blank by default: Determines the default fields for new Commlogs.

Disable setting SQL global variables (Used for hosted databases): Used for third-party hosted servers. Determines if certain services are skipped.

Appts Tab

Appointments require procedures: Determines whether or not new appointments must have procedures attached.

Force op's hygiene provider as secondary provider: Determines the default hygienist when scheduling an appointment in an operatory.

Enterprise Appointment Lists: Setting to reduce unnecessary server traffic.

Do not include None Appointment View when other views are available:

Hygiene procedures use primary provider PPO fee: If Provider Fee Overrides exist, determines which provider's allowed fee is used for hygiene procedures for patients with PPO Plan Types.

Family Tab

Super Families: Turn on Super Family features.

Patient Clone: Turn on Patient Clones. Useful for orthodontist offices who want to track production and income separately.

New patient clones use superfamily instead of regular family:

Claim Snapshot Enabled: If checked, snapshots of Claim Procedures ( claimprocs ) are created when a claim is created. See Claim Snapshot.

Snapshot Trigger: Only visible if Claim Snapshot Enabled is checked. Determines when a Claim Snapshot is created.

Service Run Time: Only visible if Claim Snapshot Enabled is checked. Determines time of day OpenDentalService should create Claim Snapshot.

Show Fee Schedule Groups: Enables Fee Schedule Groups.

Reports Tab

Use separate reporting server: A report server can be useful to large offices to prevent lockups and slowness in a live database. See Report Server.

Direct Connection

Middle Tier:

Manage Tab

ERA 835s window refresh data on load: Determines if ERAs are pre-loaded or if the user must manually refresh data to populate results.

ERA 835s use strict claim date matching: Determines how dates are matched for ERA processing.

ERA 835s window show status and clinic information: Determines filter option in ERA window.

Note: For larger offices concerned about speed, the following is recommended:
  • ERA 835s window refresh data on load - Unchecked
  • ERA 835s use strict claim date matching - Checked
  • ERA 835s window show status and clinic information - Unchecked

Tasks, 'Main' and 'Reminders' tabs require manual refresh: Determine if Tasks Area tabs are refreshed automatically.