Adjustments to Insurance Benefits

Adjustments to Insurance Benefits can be added when a patient uses benefits outside of the practice.

In an Insurance Plan, in the upper right, click Add.

Alternatively, in the Insurance Plan, double-click an existing adjustment to edit.

This adjusts the benefits used to reflect proper Insurance Remaining Calculations and Treatment Plan estimates. Once the patient's benefit year is up, the amount entered no longer affects estimates. It remains listed in the insurance plan for future reference.

Adjustments to Insurance Benefits can be used in the following scenarios:

Enter the adjustment information:

Click Save to add the adjustment or keep changes.

Added insurance adjustments display in the upper-right of the insurance plan.

Note: Ins Used calculations total all insurance adjustments added within the benefit year. For example, if a patient uses benefits outside the office on two separate occasions within their benefit year, add two separate Adjustment to Insurance Benefits entries.