See Versions
Version 6.1 was released on 12/8/2008
Appointment Procedures: Procedures can be edited, added, removed, and deleted from the appointment window. Edit Appointment.
Multiple planned appointments.Planned Appointments.
Billing charge: Instead of a percentage finance charge, a fixed amount billing charge can be applied to overdue accounts. (Added by Dental IT). Finance Charges.
Payment window: Now takes insurance estimates into account when making automatic splits. Estimated balances are visible for reference. Payments.
Blockouts: No longer limited to a single operatory. One blockout can be simultaneously applied to any combination of operatories. Blockouts.
Providers in Operatories: There is now more flexibility in how providers can be assigned to operatories. Assignment of operatory in the schedule object overrides the operatory provider. A single schedule block can be assigned to any combination of operatories. So on one particular day, for example, one dentist could be assigned to the operatory for a few hours in the morning, and a different dentist in the afternoon. Schedule.
Entering itemized insurance payments: Entry speed has been improved because the Enter key now causes the cursor to jump to the next cell to the right. There is also a new column called Allowed. The numbers entered in that column will flow automatically into the allowed fee schedule. Finalize Insurance Payment.Fee Schedules: A completely new interface for managing fee schedules. It's easy and fast to manage large numbers of fee schedules. Fee schedule tools improved to also handle copay and allowed fee schedules. Fee Schedules.
Automated Allowed Fee Schedules: Allowed fee schedules can be automatically created for insurance plans. This lets the program calculate insurance estimates based on payments made for other patients with the same carrier. Known in SoftDent as the "blue book" feature. Family Module Preferences.
Automation of setting providers on appointments has been improved. Works now when dragging appointments off pinboard.
Week view now shows weekends.
Claimproc edit window now shows where the allowed amount is coming from. For example, from a substitution code or from an allowed fee schedule. Claim Proc.
Treatment finder report. Shows benefits remaining and treatment plan amounts. Reports.
Backup reminder window added.
Treatment Plan Manager report added by Practice-Web.