See Versions.
Version 23.2 was released on 10/30/2023.
Major Changes
Additional frequency limitations
Changes by Category
Account Module
- New permission for View Appointment Audit Trail. Permissions
- New permission for Archived Patient Select. Permissions
- Adjustment Type Deny permission considers users assigned to multiple groups. Adjustment
Manage Module
- Allow auto-processing of an ERA when a claim match is found but patient's name doesn't match. (Also backported to 23.1.57) ERA Workflow
- Ability to search phrases in Task Search. Task Search
- Set Insurance Payment Types for ERA payment methods. ERA Workflow
API: API Specification
- API Portal export function.
- Add ToothNumbers to Documents POST Upload and UploadSftp.
- New ClaimTrackings resource.
- Disallow trailing spaces on usernames made with UserODs POST.
- New method ClaimProcs POST InsAdjust.
- New method Claims POST.
- Enhance Patients POST/PUT to support Canadian postal codes.
- Add FamFinUrgNote to Patients GET, PUT, and POST.
- New method SheetDefs GET.
- Add Etrans GET.
- ClaimProcs PUT - Add NoBillIns as field for method.
- Add ProcedureCodes.NoBillIns to GET and POST methods.
- ProcedureLogs POST/PUT/DELETE - Sync TreatPlanAttaches.
- API - EtransMessageText GET.
- New method TreatPlans POST.
- New methods ClaimPayments PUT and GET single and multiple.
- ClaimProcs GET - Additional search parameters.
- New methods TreatPlanAttaches POST and PUT.
- Add OrthoRemainM to Claims PUT.
- Add UserGroups GET.
- New method TreatPlans POST Save.
- Add InsVerifies GET.
- New method ScheduleOps GET multiple.