See Versions.
Version 22.1 was released on 06/01/2022.
Overview of Version 22.1.
Major Changes
Create perio charts with default probe measurements
- Quickly create a default perio chart. Insert the default when charting for a patient, then make changes to the patient as needed. Perio Chart
eClipboard enhancements
Changes by Category
Account Module
Family Module
Manage Module
- Option to output clinic number on electronic billing files. Billing Defaults
- Option for Task Search to include task attachments. Task Search
- Option to manually refresh task counts for enterprise users. Enterprise Setup, Tasks Area
- Determine which data to delete in Remove Old Data tool. Remove Old Data
- Claims Waiting to Send displays if claim is primary or secondary. Send Claims
- New billing option, Exclude if insurance pending __ days or less. Billing
- Time clock event checkbox when working from home. TimeCard
- Determine where accounting attachments are saved to. Manage Module Preferences
- Archiving a task list will automatically unsubscribe users. Tasks Area
API: API Specification
- Recalls PUT Status to allow all RecallTypes
- API access for customers not on support
- Recalls GET List
- Add AppointmentType to Appointments resource.
- New Method ProcedureLogs DELETE
- New Method Subscriptions PUT
- New Method Procedurelogs PUT
- New Method Diseases PUT
- New Method Allergies DELETE
- New Method Allergies PUT
- New Method Diseases DELETE