Version 16.2
See Versions.
Version 16.2 was released on 9/12/2016.
Major Changes
Claims: Create claims for multiple outstanding procedures at once using the Procedure Not Billed to Insurance Report. Procedures Not Billed to Insurance Report
Patient Portal and Online Payments
Prepayment Accounting System
Payment Plans Old Payment Plan
All Changes by Category
- Mark specific adjustment types as 'bad debt'. Account Module Preferences
- Preference to automatically launch Pay Split Manager when there is a family balance and user clicks OK on Payment window. Account Module Preferences
- New Provider Payroll report option in production and income reports. Production and Income Reports
- Associate existing adjustments to procedures. Procedure Info - Financial Tab
- Associate completed procedures to adjustments. Adjustments
- Print deposit slips directly to the printer, without opening the Fill Sheet window. Create PDF option added to Edit Deposit Slip window. Deposits and Deposit Slips
- X-Charge: If using Decline Minimizer and it changes credit card information, the card information will be updated in the database. When using recurring charges the Updated count will indicate the number of cards updated. X-Charge
- Credit Card Manage window indicates whether a card has a saved token or not. Credit Card Processing
- Limited statement option will only show transactions related to selected procedures. Generating Single Statements
- In the account, show canceled appointment procedure codes (D9987) in a different text color. Definition Descriptions
- Set a dunning message to send earlier than actual account age. Set up Dunning Messages
- CEMT can connect to a CEMT database hosted on a Middle Tier server. CEMT Setup
- CEMT only allows syncing from one CEMT database. CEMT Best Practices
- Create claims for multiple outstanding procedures at once using the Procedure Not Billed to Insurance Report. Procedures Not Billed to Insurance Report
- Enhancements to Procedures Not Billed to Insurance Report. Procedures Not Billed to Insurance Report
- Option when creating batch claims to allow or block claim creation when patient procedures span multiple clinics or places of service. Procedures Not Billed to Insurance Report
- Send Claims window renamed 'Insurance Claims'. Managing Insurance Claims
- Access the Procedures Not Billed to Insurance Report and Outstanding Claims Report from the Insurance Claims window. Managing Insurance Claims
- An orange exclamation point shows next to Recalculate Estimates when recalculation of claim estimates is suggested. Edit Claim Window
- Insurance Writeoff Edit permission allows or blocks a user from editing or creating writeoffs. Permissions
- New preference determines when a snapshot of a claim's writeoff and insurance payment estimate amounts are captured (at claim creation, a set time, or when insurance payment received). Family Module Preferences
- Associate a default place of service and provider to a site. Sites
- When procedures on a claim are assigned a site, the site's place of service, NPI and address is sent in 5010 dental e-claims. Claim Edit General Tab
- Confirmation message when changing a claim's tracking status to 'none' to avoid inadvertently setting a status to none. Status History Tab
- Option to set a different default clearinghouse for electronic eligibility than is used for claims. Clearinghouse Setup
- Preference to exclude patients from the Insurance Verification List if their insurance plan is marked 'don't verify'. Insurance Verification Setup
- Preference to exclude patient clones from the Insurance Verification List. Insurance Verification Setup
- Enhancements to interface and how Pat/Ins verifications are displayed and verified in the Insurance Verification List. Insurance Verification List
- Option to exclude appointments for specific clinics from the Insurance Verification List. Clinic Names, Contact Info, and Defaults
- When adding an insurance plan, if patient is not the subscriber, Relationship to Subscriber will default to no selection and user cannot save the plan until an option is set. Edit Insurance Plan window
Ortho Chart Ortho Chart Setup
Patient Portal and Online Payments
Payment Plans Payment Plans
Prepayment Accounting System
Public Health Screenings - Custom Screening Form
- Edit Completed Procedure (limited) permissions restrict users from editing information on completed procedures that affects historical reporting. Permissions
- Claim Delete permission allows users to delete claims. Permissions
- Pay Split Create after Global Lock Data permission allows user to add new pay splits after the global lock date. Permissions
- Users must have the Insurance Plan Edit permission to change insurance plan information and benefit information. Permissions
- Insurance Plan Edit permission tracked in audit trail. Permissions