See Versions.
Version 16.1 was released on 2/23/2016.
Major Changes
Graphic Reports: New tool to track the growth of your practice using color coded charts and graphs. Graphic Reports
- Track production and income, new patients, accounts receivable, and broken appointments for the practice and by provider.
- Customize reports. Graphic Report Setup Mode
Insurance Verification: New tools to track verification of insurance plans and benefits. Insurance Verification List
ERAs: Automatically download ERAs from ClaimConnect. Electronic EOBs (ERAs)
Security: Users can be associated with both a provider and employee. Security User Profiles
Clinics: Users can be assigned to a default clinic and allowed access to multiple clinics. Security User Profiles
All Changes by category
- New tools to track verification of insurance plans and benefits. Insurance Verification List
- Preference to customize the color of the horizontal red time line in the Appointments module. Appointment Module Preferences
- Preference to customize the behavior when a patient breaks an appointment (procedure, adjustment, commlog, all, or none). Appointment Module Preferences
- Preference determines whether adjustments are/are not included the Appointment module's net Daily Production. Appointment Module Preferences
- Customize columns that show in the Edit Appointment window, Procedures grid using Display Fields. Display Fields
- Set the appointment schedule to always load to the practice's scheduled start time or the earliest scheduled appointment. Appointment Views
- Operatory names can wrap to two lines to accommodate longer names. Operatory Setup
- New right click option to clear all blockouts in an operatory. Blockouts
- In the Recall List, the Contact column says Text when the patient's preferred recall method is TextMessage. Recall List
- In the Confirmation List, the Contact column says Mail when the patient's preferred confirmation method is Mail. Confirmation List
- The Broken Appointment Procedure color in Definitions, Account Colors will apply to D9986 and D9987. Definition: Account Colors
- Assign users to a default clinic. Security User Profile
- Users can be restricted to multiple clinics. Security User Profile
- The clinic selected in the Main Menu determines the default clinic for several actions. Clinics
- New preference determines whether the Main Menu clinic or the patient's clinic is the default for patient payments. Account Module Preferences
- Option to set the default Main Menu clinic based on the clinic last active when the user was logged on or the workstation was used. Miscellaneous Setup
- Lab case status in the Appointment module reflects status for currently selected clinic. Appointments
- Preference to reset the appointment schedule to today's date when a different clinic is selected. Appointment Module Preferences
- Clear blockouts by clinic. Blockouts
Images module
Public Health Screenings: Public Health Screenings
- Users can be associated to both a provider and an employee. Security User Profiles
- ClaimSend permission allows/blocks sending or printing claims. Permissions
- TaskListCreate permission. Permissions
- Permission to edit or delete group notes is based on status of attached procedures. Procedure Group Notes, Permissions
- Strong passwords now require at least one lowercase letter in addition to one uppercase, one number, and at least 8 characters. Security
Smoking and Tobacco Use
- Preference to determine the sort order for guarantors in a superfamily. Family Module Preferences
- Create super statements that show balance information for all superfamilies. Statements