See Versions.
Version 14.2 was released on 8/21/2014.
Patient Portal: Open Dental hosted patient portal. Patient Portal
Canadian Procedure Codes: CDA codes are now available for download. Procedure Code Tools
Blue Theme: The first phase towards adding themes to Open Dental is complete. Miscellaneous Setup
Medical Claim Form: 1500 claim form updated from version 08/05 to version 02/12. Medical Insurance
Sheets: Patient images can be added to sheets. Sheets: Patient Images
EOBs/ERAs: Download or print electronic EOBs. This completes Feature Request #3264. #138 is still in progress. ERA 835
Minor Changes
EHR Stage 1 Timely Access and Electronic Copy measures replaced with Electronic Copy Access. EHR Electronic Access
VistaDent bridge. VistaDent
TigerView bridge enhanced to pull thumbnails into Open Dental. TigerView
Rx Edit security permission. Permissions
Added more static text fields to sheets. Static Text Fields
Insurance Payment Type category added to definitions (e.g. EFT, check). Definition: Insurance Payment Types
Added patient name and page number to printed progress notes. Chart
Time card management enhanced for easier navigation through multiple employees. Time Clock
Software name, provider name, and date information added to several print outs and windows needed for EHR audits. Measure Calc, Patient Lists, CDS, Update
Auto Notes added to the Ortho Chart. Ortho Chart
Patient Clone tool added to help ortho offices track production and income separately. Patient Clone
Multiple ICD9 diagnosis codes for procedures. Procedures - Medical Tab
Basic e-mail inbox. This completes Feature Request #3263. #360 is in progress. E-mail Inbox
All U.S. customers with a valid registration key can import SNOMED CT codes. SNOMED CT
Patient age locks when a date deceased is entered. EHR only. Edit Patient Information
Providers can send attachments to patients using Secure Web Mail. Secure Web Mail
Assign an ordering provider override to medical procedures or e-claims. Procedure - Medical or Claim - Medical