Version 11.1

See Versions

Version 11.1 was released on 12/12/2011

Prepare ahead of time: Version 11.1 requires dot Net ( .NET ) 4.0, which should already be installed on newer computers and computers that get regular updates.

Scanning: Automatic document feeder support added. Scans multiple pages to a single pdf. Scans duplex (double sided). Imaging Module.

Sheets Setup: Toolbox and hotkeys added to allow click and drag to select, align left or top, copy/paste, rubber stamp, and tab order. Sheets.

Dashboard: A single window showing many important practice parameters in graphical format. Dashboard.

Batch Insurance Payment: EOBs and the insurance checks that come with them can now be entered in a single batch window. Batch Insurance Payment.

E-claims: Medical and Institutional e-claims. New 5010 format available for all 3 claim types. Many fields added to support the new formats. Medical Insurance.

Referred Procedure Tracking: Individual procedures can now be referred out and their status tracked in a tool. Referrals.

Superfamilies: Groups of families for unique situations such as nursing homes. Super Family.

Appointment Printing: The daily printout now prints sharper and has size customization options. Appointments Module.

Minor Changes
Payer ID table can be edited to control which electronic IDs are treated as Medicaid.
Unscheduled list, multiple appointments can be deleted at once.
Medications list can be printed.
All patients for one provider can be moved to another provider. Providers.
Sheets, many more fields added, especially for routing slips.
Image export.
Procedurecode list, the Show Hidden button now has a default setting and is initially set to not hide anything.
Sending claims, clinic must be same for batch.
Chart module, when show by teeth, group notes for associated teeth now show.
Security permissions added for Providers, EcwAppointmentRevise, ReferralAdd, ProcedureNote, and perio red numbers. Security.
Apixia bridge. Apixia Bridge
Appointment search behavior can now also look for open operatories and has better provider options. Appointments Module.
Chart module optimized to run twice as fast when entering new procedures. Only noticeable for users with slow connections.
Group notes can now aggregate individual procedure notes. Procedure Group Note.