Trial Database Improvements
See Installation.
This is a list of changes that have been made to the demo and blank databases that come with the Trial Version.
24.1.66 to 24.3.54
- Upgraded to Maria 10.11.10
24.1.47 to 24.1.66
- Family Balancer Tool enhancement.
23.2.42 to 24.1.47
22.4.55 to 23.2.42
- Upgraded MariaDB 10.5.11 to 10.5.19
- Removed multiple unused tables from database.
21.2.37 to 22.4.55
- Family Balancer Tool enhancement.
- Resolved Benefit Frequency Limitation bug.
20.5.67 to 21.2.37
- Add the optimizer_switch=split_materialized variable.
- Family Balancer tool fixes.
20.5.63 to 20.5.67
- Transitioned from MySQL 5.5 to MariaDB 10.5.
20.2.49 to 20.5.63
- In Family Module Preferences, InsPlan option at bottom, 'Change Plan for all subscribers', is default is unchecked by default.
- In Family Module Preferences, Ins plans with exclusions use UCR fee (can be overridden by plan) is checked by default.
- In Account Module Preferences, Creating claims with $0 procedures is set to Warn by default (Canada only).
- In Account Module Preferences, Allow primary claim status to be 'Hold Until Pri Received' is unchecked by default.
- In Account Module Preferences, Show Payment Tracking column in the Edit Claim/Payment windows is unchecked by default.
- In Account Module Preferences, Show Patient Responsibility column in the Edit Claim/Payment windows is checked by default.
- In Account Module Preferences, Allow recurring charges to run in the absence of a patient balance is unchecked by default.
- In Account Module Preferences, Show family commlog entries by default is unchecked by default.
- In Treatment Plan Module Preferences, Frequency Limitation codes for SRP and Perio Maintenance were removed.
- In Treatment Plan Module Preferences, removed D codes and applicable T codes.
- In Chart Module Preferences, Procedure fee update behavior is set to No prompt, always change fee by default.
- In Chart Module Preferences, Use ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes (uncheck for ICD-9) is checked by default.
- In Chart Module Preferences, Prompt for Planned Appointments is checked by default.
- In Setup, Appointments, Appointment Views, 15 minute intervals are set by default.
- In Setup, Appointments, Recall, status for Texted and Emailed is set to Texted/Emailed by default.
- In Setup, Appointments, Recall, Recall List Default View set to 180 days past and 30 days future with also show in list if # of days since set to 15, 30, 4.
- In Setup, Appointments, Recall Types, removed D codes from Procs on Appt and added in relevant T codes and mod intervals.
- In Setup, Family/Insurance, Claim Forms, renamed '1500_02_12' to 'Medical 1500_02_12' and set ADA 2019 as default.
- In Setup, Family/Insurance, Clearinghouses, ClaimConnect is set as default with report path added, and Save DXC Attachments to Images Module is unchecked by default.
- In Setup, Chart, Procedure Buttons, exam, cleaning, xray codes were moved into correct category.
- In Setup, Chart, Procedure Buttons, added 'prophy' and 'SPR 4 Quad' and moved 'watches' to the 'General' category.
- In Setup, Manage, Messaing and Messaging Buttons, various changes were made for ease of use.
- In Setup, Definitions, Appt Confirmed, various changes were made for consistency with other default databases.
- In Setup, Definitions, Billing Types, added 'Insured' 'Uninsured' and 'Friends/Family.'
- In Setup, Definitions, Blockout Types, added 'Staff Meeting' and 'Lunch.'
- In Setup, Definitions, Claim Custom Tracking, changed 'Called' to 'Resubmitted' with 30 days suppressed.
- In Setup, Definitions, Image Categories, set treatplan usage and added 'Lab Slips' 'Payment Plans' and 'Claim Attachments' with default usage.
- In Setup, Definitions, Payment Types, removed the word 'check' from 'Patient Refund.'
- In Setup, Definitions, Proc Code Categories, renamed category to 'Exams/Cleanings/Xrays.'
- In Setup, Definitions, Recall/Unsched Status, added abbreviation for 'Texted' and changed 'Txt/Eml'd' to Emailed. Also added 'Texted/Email' with abbreviation of 'Txt/Eml.'
- In Setup, Definitions, Task Priorities, added 'Urgent' and 'Low' and rearranged existing priorities.
- In Setup, Display Fields, TreatmentPlanModule, removed 'Sub' and added 'Appt' after 'Done'. Also renamed 'Priority' to 'Pri' and rearranged other display fields (Canada only).
- In Setup, Display Fields, PatientSelect, added Bill Type to the end of the list.
- In Setup, Miscellaneous, Languages used, added 'En' 'Sp' and 'Fr' for EOBS to show in correct language (Canada only).
- In Setup, Miscellaneous, Show inactive patients by default is unchecked by default.
- In Setup, Program Links, CareCredit, checked Hide unused button by default (Canada only).
- In Setup, Security, Security Settings, Groups, set all permissions for providers group to ensure all new permissions are included.
- In Lists, Procedure Codes, added 'Zclin' 'Zcond' 'Ztoth' and 'Ztoths' with use in Procedure Buttons as watches.
- In Lists, Procedure Codes, moved 'N1254' and 'N1255' to the 'Obsolete' procedure code category.
- In Lists, Zip Codes, deleted all 4 codes listed.
- In Setup, Chart, Procedure Buttons, buttons use T Codes so they can be tested.
- Added blank CEMT database.
- Installer set to always run as elevated user.
20.1.38 to 20.2.49
- In Lists, State Abbreviations, added Canadian province abbreviations (Canada only).
- Preference, Setup/Treatment Plan: Correct TP frequencies and ins history codes (Canada only).
- Procedure Buttons: Remove ADA codes from quick buttons and add more categories (Canada only).
- Add more auto codes (Canada only).
- Move '~Bad' procedure codes to the 'Obsolete' procedure code category.
- Added procedure codes: N4140, N4141, N4142.
- Rearrange procedure code categories (Canada only).
- Correct procedure code descriptions for 72421 and 72429 (Canada only).
- Moved procedure codes N4105, N4106, N4107, N4108 to the 'Obsolete' procedure code category (Canada only).
- Preference, Lists/Procedure Codes: Default Show Hidden as unchecked.
- All 'N' and 'Z' procedure codes default to Do not bill to insurance.
- Added Canadian Time Units to all procedure codes (Canada only).
- Added messages to the Op 1, Op 2, and Op 3 messaging buttons.
- In Chart Module Preferences Prompt for Planned Appointment is unchecked by default.
- In Appointment Module Preferences Appointment time locked by default is checked by default (Canada only).
- In Appointment Module Preferences Show ! on appts for ins not sent is checked by default.
- In Account Module Preferences the Pay plan charge logic is set to Age Credits and Debits by default.
- In Setup, Definitions, Claim Custom Tracking, added 'Called' with 0 days suppressed.
- In Setup, Definitions, Image Categories, Lab Slips category defaults to a usage of Lab Cases.
- In Setup, Definitions, Image Categories, Payment Plans category defaults to a usage of Payment Plans.
- In Setup, Definitions, Image Categories, BW, FMX, Panos, and Photos image categories defaults to a usage of Show in Chart module.
- In Setup, Definitions, Payment Types, changed 'Check' to 'Cheque' (Canada only).
- In Setup, Definitions, Insurance Payment Types, changed 'Check' to 'Cheque' (Canada only).
- In Setup, Definitions, App Procs Quick Add, added procedures (Canada only).
- In Setup, Definitions, Adjustment Types, renamed 'Return Check' to 'Returned Check Fee'.
- In Setup, Definitions, Adjustment Types, hid 'Write off' (US only) and 'Patient Refund'.
- Display Fields, Family Recall Grid: 'Previous Date' renamed to 'Previous' and moved to Showing with 'Interval', rearrange list, shrink Type to 80, and shrink all date fields to 75 and Interval to 70.
- Display Fields, Patient Select: Remove SSN, add Wireless Phone, rename PatNum to Acct# and shrink to 60.
- Auto Notes: Fixed broken notes and removed name 'Kelli'.
- In Setup, Security, Security Groups/Regular User: Update user permissions and remove date limitation from Procedures Not Billed report.
- In Setup, Security, Security Groups/Admin User: Set all permissions.
- In Setup, Security, Global Security Settings: Set default user group to Regular Users.
- Language Translation, PatientSelect: Rename 'State' to 'Province' and 'SSN' to 'SIN' (Canada only).
- Added insurance category for use with tracking scaling time units (Canada only).
- Removed outdated US and Canadian claim forms.
- Removed US clearinghouses from the Canada database.
- Removed non-US clearinghouses from the US database.
- Updated Canadian recall types.
- Updated Canadian Claim form XML.
- Set ITRANS as default clearinghouse (Canada only).
- Set ITRANS and ClaimStream to default to download EOBs (not auto-receive) (Canada only).
- ClaimStream no longer lists 000090 override (Canada only).
- Changed the default region to 'English (Canada)' for Canada databases.
19.3.63 to 20.1.38
- Add rx edit permission to the Admin user group for both opendental and demo DB. (And possibly revisit other perms Admin should have by default)
- Appointments for the Trial version Demo DB, Dummy Patient appts are all in 2008/2009. Moved them to a current date.
19.2.60 to 19.3.63
- Preference, Setup/Misc: Default to checked: "Search for preferred name in the first name field in Select Patient window"
- Preference, Setup/Chart: Default to checked: "Procedure Group Notes aggregate"
- Display Fields, Family Recall Grid: Add all of the available fields by default, shrink the default widths to fit better, and rearrange in this order: Type, Prev, Freq, Due, Sched, Note
- Display Fields, PatientSelect: Remove SSN and put WirelessPhone in its place
- Preference, Security permission: Admin user should not have a date restriction for the new permission of: "New Claims from Procs Not Billed Report, NewClaimsProcNotBilled"
19.2.55 to 19.2.60
- Modified the Canadian Claim Form in the Canadian database. Replaced the 'BillingDentistNPI', 'BillingDentist' , 'PayToDentistAddress', 'PayToDentistAddress2', 'PayToDentistCity', 'PayToDentistST', 'PayToDentistZip', and 'BillingDentistPhoseRaw' fields with 'TreatingDentistNPI', TreatingDentist' , 'TreatingDentistAddress', 'TreatingDentistAddress2', 'TreatingDentistCity', 'TreatingDentistST', 'TreatingDentistZip', and 'TreatingDentistPhoseRaw', respectively.
19.1.55 to 19.2.55
- In chart patient information move the display field for all medical information to the top.
- Default check preference for "Procedure Group Note does aggregate"
Version 18.3.50 to 19.1.55
Version 18.3.32 to 18.3.50
- Turn clinics off in any dbs that have the clinics feature turned on with no clinics entered so that selecting a patient does not give an error message to the user (e.g. demo db).
Version 17.4.91 to 18.2.45
- Updated default preference for Credits Greater than Proc Fee to Warn.
- Changes to Query Favorites.
- Updated the schedule in the Appointments Module of demo database.
- Preference for Appointment Require Procedure is checked by default.
Version 15.4.35 to 17.1.35
- Verified auto note prompts.
- Days Past default value on Recall Setup window changed.
- All printed treatment plans are formatted using the Treatment Plan sheet.
- In Account Module Preferences, Line Item Payment Plans is turned on by default.
- ImageFX bridge renamed to Patient Gallery.
- In Family Module Preferences, InsPlan option at bottom, Change Plan for all subscribers is checked by default.
- In Appointment Module Preferences Appointments require procedures is checked by default.
- In Setup, Definitions, Image Categories, Treatment Plan category defaults to a usage of Treatment Plans.
- Wiki basics page added to wiki.
- Queries added to the User Query Favorites.
- Canada Insurance Category Spans updated.
- Dee Capitation added as an example of a patient with a capitation plan.
- Paula Perio added as an example of a patient with a perio chart.
Version 14.1.18 to 15.4.35
- Created providers for Canada.
- Claim Form default is ADA 2012.
- Clearinghouse format default is 5010.
- In the Problem List, Keep problem list alphabetized is checked by default.
- In Setup, Definitions, Insurance Payment Types, Check is the default.
- In Setup, Manage, Messaging, Front user has a light color.
- Installing the trial will not override data in an existing database named opendental. Instead, the current database is renamed before writing a new opendental database.
- MDL and ML quick buttons now associated with surfaces.
Version 13.2.36 to 14.1.18
- Trial installer executable now has the Open Dental logo on it.
- Uncompressing progress of the trial installer now shows so that users can see that progress is being made instead of it looking like nothing is happening.
Version 12.4.41 to 13.2.36
- Chart module only shows All and Photo Image Category tabs.
- COB rule default is Standard instead of Basic.
- On the Patient Edit window, the Text Message ?? behavior defaults to No instead of Yes.
- Added insurance category for implants.
- No longer able to update databases with the trial version.
- Removed broken query examples from favorite list.
- Added an Excuse Letter to the custom sheet defs.
Version 11.0.41 to 12.4.41
- Created a user called User and a user group called Regular Users which has typical permission privileges.
- Corrected the spelling of abscess in Diagnosis.
- Chart Module, Show tab, added a Default View.
- Manage Module, Backup: Restore A-Z images to this folder: now shows C:\OpenDentImages\ instead of C:\OpenDentalData\.
- Added payment type Patient Refund Check.
Version 7.6 to 11.0.41
- Recall types, added more triggers.
- Procedure Code Tools, added a checkbox and tool for resetting the recall triggers to use D-codes instead of T-codes.
- Implant procedures have treatment area set as tooth instead of mouth and paint type changed to implant.
- Code D4910 Perio Maint falls under the Perio category now.
- Added sample auto note for comp exams with common prompts.
- Added sample allergies, medications and prescriptions.
- Changed the name of Standard fee schedule to Office Fees.
- Changed the default Provider and Hygienist names to Default Provider and Default Hygienist.
- Changed the default practice info to Your Practice info here.
- Added a default blockout lunch or meeting.
- Added a watch tooth as an N1254 code and watch surface code as an N2546 code.
- Added the watch tooth (N1254) and watch surface (N2546) to Procedure Buttons under Exams & Xrays catagory.
Version 6.9.19 to 7.6
- Box in setup for allow setting individual procedures complete is unchecked by default.
- In Recall Setup, Postcards per Sheet was changed to 4.
Version 6.5.22 to 6.9.19
- Emdeon clearinghouse claim export path, change from C:\WebMD\Claims\ to C:\WebMDClient\Claims\
- Adjustment types: Remove patient refund check and write off x2
- Recall: add default days range, add days since last reminders, ?date changed to brackets.
- In Setup Recall, filled in the text for second and third reminders.
- Registration Key window overhauled.
- All procedure code categories are now unhidden.