Conversions: Family Balancer

See Use Converted Database.

When transaction history is converted, in most cases the conversion can determine which family members had production (e.g., completed procedures and adjustments). However, based on the raw data from the other practice management software the conversion is not able to determine which patient payments in the family were meant to pay off those charges. To correct this, the Family Balancer Tool is run during the final conversion. The tool allocates all patient payments within the family to the family's charges.

There are two allocation methods the Family Balancer Tool offers, see below. Either method may run on a single patient/family or all patients. A conversion department representative will discuss which method is best for the final conversion.

Family Balancer Options

The Family Balancer Tool can either transfer the income to charges via an income transfer or recreate patient payment splits on the original payment, allocating them to charges without an income transfer.

Income Transfer Method
This method keeps all existing unallocated patient payments converted from the old practice management software but create new $0 payments (income transfers) that subtracts the income away from the original payment then applies the income to family member production. Income transfers show as blank payment items with a Txfr code on the patient account. If income is transferred between family members, clinics, and providers, a Txfr shows for the total negative amount transferred from each patient/clinic/provider combination, and for the total positive amount transferred to each combination.

Note: Transfers affect income allocation only; they do not increase or decrease the total family balance or total practice income.

Example of an income transfer in the Account Module:

There are two different ways the income transfer method can allocate payments to production; rigorous or FIFO. Both income transfer methods also allocate claim payments to procedures associated to the claim (if claims were converted) and corrects some claims that were converted without procedures. See Income Transfer Manager, Transfer Logic - Claim Transfers and Claims with No Procedures.

Recreate Payment Splits
This method deletes unallocated patient payment splits on the original conversion payment and creates brand new splits allocated to production items using FIFO logic. Negative payments are offset with positive payments or allocated to negative adjustments (e.g., discount). Any excess payments are split to Unearned Income. Original payment dates and amounts are kept.

Example of a converted payment with an unallocated payment split:

Example of a converted payment after the tool recreates the payment split:

After a Conversion

Run the Unearned Income Reports to review accounts with unearned income.

To receive a patient payment after a conversion, in the Account Module, highlight the procedures associated to the payment and click Payment. If there is a prompt stating the procedure is overpaid, please contact support.

To receive an insurance payment after a conversion, in the Account Module, create the Claim that were sent in the previous software, then Finalize Insurance Payment. Also see Conversions: Outstanding Claims.