API Tasks

See API Specification

Tasks are a way for intra-office communication, setting reminders, and more.

Tasks GET

Version Added: 22.3.16

Get a list of tasks that meet a set of search criteria. To get a list of all patient or appointment tasks, use only the ObjectType. To get a list of tasks for a specific patient or appointment, use both the ObjectType and KeyNum.

Parameters: All optional.

TaskListNum: Optional. tasklist.TaskListNum. Default all TaskLists.
KeyNum: Optional. Either patient.PatNum or appointment.AptNum. Used when ObjectType is "Patient" or "Appointment". Default 0.
ObjectType: Optional, unless KeyNum is specified. Either "None", "Patient", or "Appointment". Default all ObjectTypes.
TaskStatus: Optional. Either "New", "Viewed", or "Done". Default all TaskStatuses.
DateTimeOriginal: Optional. Gets tasks created after this datetime. String in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format. Default is the previous 14 days.

Example Request:
GET /tasks?ObjectType=Appointment&DateTimeOriginal=2022-07-01%2005%3A30%3A00
GET /tasks?TaskStatus=New&TaskListNum=74

Example Response:
"TaskNum": 9004,
"TaskListNum": 74,
"DateTask": "0001-01-01",
"KeyNum": 0,
"Descript": "Need to re-order general cleaning supplies by this next Friday.",
"TaskStatus": "New",
"IsRepeating": "false",
"DateType": "None",
"FromNum": 0,
"ObjectType": "None",
"DateTimeEntry": "2022-10-01 11:18:11",
"UserNum": 1,
"DateTimeFinished": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"PriorityDefNum": 358,
"ReminderGroupId": "",
"ReminderType": "NoReminder",
"ReminderFrequency": 0,
"DateTimeOriginal": "2022-10-07 11:18:11",
"SecDateTEdit": "2022-10-07 11:18:36",
"DescriptOverride": "",
"IsReadOnly": "false"
"TaskNum": 9027,
"TaskListNum": 74,
"DateTask": "0001-01-01",
"KeyNum": 755,
"Descript": "Mr. Andersons Insurance needs to be verified before his next appointment.",
"TaskStatus": "New",
"IsRepeating": "false",
"DateType": "None",
"FromNum": 0,
"ObjectType": "Appointment",
"DateTimeEntry": "2022-10-07 11:16:40",
"UserNum": 1,
"DateTimeFinished": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"PriorityDefNum": 358,
"ReminderGroupId": "",
"ReminderType": "NoReminder",
"ReminderFrequency": 0,
"DateTimeOriginal": "2022-10-07 11:16:40",
"SecDateTEdit": "2022-10-07 11:17:39",
"DescriptOverride": "",
"IsReadOnly": "false"
"TaskNum": 9093,
"TaskListNum": 74,
"DateTask": "0001-01-01",
"KeyNum": 73,
"Descript": "Need to update Rebecca's contact information.",
"TaskStatus": "New",
"IsRepeating": "false",
"DateType": "None",
"FromNum": 0,
"ObjectType": "Patient",
"DateTimeEntry": "2022-10-07 11:17:41",
"UserNum": 1,
"DateTimeFinished": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"PriorityDefNum": 358,
"ReminderGroupId": "",
"ReminderType": "NoReminder",
"ReminderFrequency": 0,
"DateTimeOriginal": "2022-10-07 11:17:41",
"SecDateTEdit": "2022-10-07 11:17:59",
"DescriptOverride": "",
"IsReadOnly": "false"

200 OK
400 Bad Request (Invalid fields, etc)
404 NotFound (Patient not found, Appointment not found, etc)

Tasks POST (create)

Version Added: 22.3.17

Creates a new task. See Task Window for more details on each field.

TaskListNum: Required. tasklist.TaskListNum. Use TaskLists GET to find available TaskLists.
Descript: Required. The description of this task.
UserNum: Required. userod.UserNum. The user that created the task.

KeyNum: Optional. Either patient.PatNum or appointment.AptNum. Used when ObjectType is "Patient" or "Appointment". Default 0.
ObjectType: Optional, unless KeyNum is specified. Either "None", "Patient", or "Appointment". Default "None".
DateTimeEntry: Optional. The date and time that this task was added. String in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". Default to Now.
PriorityDefNum: Optional. Definition.DefNum where Category=33. Default is the dental office's default, if set, or the first definition in that Category. See Definitions: Task Priorities.
DescriptOverride: Optional. "Short Descript" in UI. Limited to 256 characters.

Example Request:
POST /tasks

"TaskListNum": 3842,
"Descript": "Please attach the Insurance card and info for this patient.",
"UserNum": 12,
"KeyNum": 73,
"ObjectType": "Patient",
"DateTimeEntry": "2022-10-12 08:00:00",
"PriorityDefNum": 90,
"DescriptOverride": "Patient insurance task"

Example Response:

"TaskNum": 9093,
"TaskListNum": 3842,
"DateTask": "0001-01-01",
"KeyNum": 73,
"Descript": "Please attach the Insurance card and info for this patient.",
"TaskStatus": "New",
"IsRepeating": "false",
"DateType": "None",
"FromNum": 0,
"ObjectType": "Patient",
"DateTimeEntry": "2022-10-12 08:00:00",
"UserNum": 1,
"DateTimeFinished": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"PriorityDefNum": 90,
"ReminderGroupId": "",
"ReminderType": "NoReminder",
"ReminderFrequency": 0,
"DateTimeOriginal": "2022-10-12 07:34:41",
"SecDateTEdit": "2022-10-12 07:34:41",
"DescriptOverride": "Patient insurance task",
"IsReadOnly": "false"

201 Created
400 Bad Request (Invalid fields, etc)
404 NotFound (Patient not found, Appointment not found, etc)

Tasks PUT (update)

Version Added: 22.4.15

Updates an existing task by TaskNum. See Task Window for more details on each field.

TaskNum: Required in the URL.

Descript: Optional. The description of this task. Overwrites existing. Sets tasks with a TaskStatus of "Done" to "Viewed".
TaskStatus: (Added in version 24.2.10) Optional. Either "New", "Viewed", or "Done".
KeyNum: Optional. Either patient.PatNum or appointment.AptNum. Used when ObjectType is "Patient" or "Appointment".
ObjectType: Optional, unless KeyNum is specified. Either "None", "Patient", or "Appointment".
DateTimeEntry: Optional. The date and time that this task was added. Also used for reminder tasks. String in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss".
PriorityDefNum: Optional. Definition.DefNum where Category=33.
DescriptOverride: Optional. "Short Descript" in UI. Overwrites existing. Limited to 256 characters.

Example Request:
PUT /tasks/6857

"TaskStatus": "Done",
"DateTimeEntry": "2023-01-12 08:00:00",
"PriorityDefNum": 90


"Descript": "Please attach the Insurance card and info for this patient.",
"KeyNum": 73,
"ObjectType": "Patient",
"DateTimeEntry": "2023-01-12 08:00:00",
"PriorityDefNum": 90,
"DescriptOverride": "Patient insurance task"

Example Response:

"TaskNum": 6857,
"TaskListNum": 3842,
"DateTask": "0001-01-01",
"KeyNum": 73,
"Descript": "Please attach the Insurance card and info for this patient.",
"TaskStatus": "Done",
"IsRepeating": "false",
"DateType": "None",
"FromNum": 0,
"ObjectType": "Patient",
"DateTimeEntry": "2023-01-12 08:00:00",
"UserNum": 1,
"DateTimeFinished": "2023-01-15 08:00:00",
"PriorityDefNum": 90,
"ReminderGroupId": "",
"ReminderType": "NoReminder",
"ReminderFrequency": 0,
"DateTimeOriginal": "2023-01-10 08:23:36",
"SecDateTEdit": "2023-01-11 07:34:41",
"DescriptOverride": "Patient insurance task",
"IsReadOnly": "false"

200 OK
400 Bad Request (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)