API SubstitutionLinks

See API Specification

See Estimate Downgrades for additional information.

SubstitutionLinks GET

Version Added: 22.4.25

Gets a list of substitution links for a given insurance plan.

PlanNum: FK to InsPlan.planNum.

Example Request:
GET /substitutionlinks?PlanNum=33

Example Response:

"SubstiutionLinkNum": 13,
"PlanNum": 33,
"CodeNum": 6,
"SubstitutionCode": "D3002",
"SubstOnlyIf": "Always"

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

SubstitutionLinks POST (create)

Version Added: 22.4.1

Creates a new SubstitutionLink. These links are created for a single insurance plan and will overwrite the ProcedureCode on a procedure with the SubstitutionCode. This replacement is based upon the SubstOnlyIf condition.

PlanNum: Required. FK to InsPlan.PlanNum.
CodeNum: Required. FK to ProcedureCode.CodeNum.
SubstitutionCode: Required. FK to ProcedureCode.ProcCode. Case-sensitive.
SubstOnlyIf: Required. Either "Always", "Molar", "SecondMolar", "Never", or "Posterior".

Example Request:
POST /substitutionlinks

"PlanNum": 34,
"CodeNum": 6,
"SubstitutionCode": "D3002",
"SubstOnlyIf": "Molar"

Example Response:

"SubstitutionLinkNum": 16,
"PlanNum": 34,
"CodeNum": 6,
"SubstitutionCode": "D3002",
"SubstOnlyIf": "Molar"

201 Created
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

SubstitutionLinks PUT (update)

Version Added: 22.4.25

Updates a substitution link.

SubstitutionLinkNum: Required in the URL.

SubstitutionCode: Optional. FK to ProcedureCode.ProcCode. Case-sensitive.
SubstOnlyIf: Optional. Either "Always", "Molar", "SecondMolar", "Never", or "Posterior".

Example Request:
PUT /substitutionlinks/34

"SubstitutionCode": "D3004",
"SubstOnlyIf": "SecondMolar"

Example Response:

"SubstitutionLinkNum": 34,
"PlanNum": 14,
"CodeNum": 6,
"SubstitutionCode": "D3004",
"SubstOnlyIf": "SecondMolar"

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

SubstitutionLinks DELETE

Version Added: 22.4.25

Deletes an existing substitution link by SubstitutionLinkNum.

SubsitutionLinkNum: Required in URL.

Example Request:
DELETE /substitutionlinks/25

Example Response:
200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)