API Reports

See API Specification

Reports GET Aging

Version Added: 21.4

Rarely used. See API Developer Setup for additional information.

Gets the Aging of Accounts Receivable (A/R) Report for all patients. This endpoint calculates aging, but does not update accounts.

DateAsOf: Optional. Defaults to today's date. Gets the aging as of the passed in date. Must be in yyyy-MM-dd format.
ClinicNum: (Added in version 22.2) Optional. Gets aging for account entries on a specific clinic. Not specifying ClinicNum will get aging for all clinics, if enabled.

Returned fields are detailed below:

PatNum: The PatNum of the guarantor.
patName: The guarantor's first and last name.
Bal_0_30: The balance that is up to 30 days past due.
Bal_31_60: The balance that is 31-60 days past due.
Bal_61_90: The balance that is 61-90 days past due.
BalOver90: The balance that is greater than 90 days past due.
BalTotal: The total amount owed by the family before insurance.
InsWoEst: The insurance write-off estimate amount based on procedures attached to the claim.
InsPayEst: The total estimated insurance payment amount.
PatientPortion: BalTotal - InsPayEst - InsWoEst.

Example Requests:
GET /reports/Aging
GET /reports/Aging?DateAsOf=2020-07-30&ClinicNum=5
GET /reports/Aging?Offset=200

Example Response:
"PatNum": 11,
"patName": "Allowed, Allen ",
"Bal_0_30": 0,
"Bal_31_60": 0,
"Bal_61_90": 0,
"BalOver90": 370,
"BalTotal": 370,
"InsWoEst": 0,
"InsPayEst": 265,
"PatientPortion": 105
"PatNum": 13,
"patName": "Copay, Candi ",
"Bal_0_30": 0,
"Bal_31_60": 0,
"Bal_61_90": 0,
"BalOver90": 140,
"BalTotal": 140,
"InsWoEst": 30,
"InsPayEst": 35,
"PatientPortion": 75

Reports GET FinanceCharges

Version Added: 22.2.32

Gets the Finance Charge Report for passed in parameters.

DateFrom: Optional. Defaults to today's date. Must be in yyyy-MM-dd format.
DateTo: Optional. Defaults to today's date. Must be in yyyy-MM-dd format.
ProvNums: Optional. Array of ProvNums. Default all providers.
BillingTypes: Optional. Array of DefNums for definitions where definition.Category=4. Default all billing types.

Returned fields are detailed below:

PatNum: The PatNum of the patient.
PatName: The patient's first and last name.
Preferred: The patient's preferred name.
AdjAmt: The amount of the adjustment.

Example Requests:
GET /reports/FinanceCharges
GET /reports/FinanceCharges?DateFrom=2022-08-22&DateTo=2022-09-02&ProvNums=[2,3]&BillingTypes=[40]
GET /reports/FinanceCharges?ProvNums=2,3,4

Example Response:
"PatNum": 11,
"PatName": "Allowed, Allen ",
"Preferred": "",
"AdjAmt": 3.08
"PatNum": 13,
"PatName": "Copay, Candice ",
"Preferred": "Candi",
"AdjAmt": 1.17
"PatNum": 25,
"PatName": "Jones, Mary Sue ",
"Preferred": "",
"AdjAmt": 16.05