API QuickPasteNotes

See API Specification

QuickPasteNotes are used to easily replace abbreviated text with longer notes. See Quick Paste Notes Setup.

QuickPasteNotes GET (single)

Version Added: 22.3.24

Gets the QuickPasteNote corresponding to a passed in QuickPasteNoteNum.

Example Request:
GET /quickpastenotes/25

Example Response:
"QuickPasteNoteNum": 25,
"QuickPasteCatNum": 3,
"ItemOrder": 0,
"Note": "Patient called to cancel upcoming appointment on DATE.",
"Abbreviation": "cancel"

200 OK
404 NotFound "QuickPasteNote not found."

QuickPasteNotes GET (multiple)

Version Added: 22.3.24

Gets a list of QuickPasteNotes.


QuickPasteCatNum: Optional. FK to quickpastecat.QuickPasteCatNum.

Example Requests:
GET /quickpastenotes
GET /quickpastenotes?QuickPasteCatNum=3

Example Response:
"QuickPasteNoteNum": 25,
"QuickPasteCatNum": 3,
"ItemOrder": 0,
"Note": "Patient called to cancel upcoming appointment on DATE.",
"Abbreviation": "cancel"
"QuickPasteNoteNum": 26,
"QuickPasteCatNum": 3,
"ItemOrder": 1,
"Note": "Called patient to discuss:",
"Abbreviation": "call"
"QuickPasteNoteNum": 27,
"QuickPasteCatNum": 3,
"ItemOrder": 2,
"Note": "Scanned insurance card into Imaging Module. Insurance entered into Family Module.",
"Abbreviation": "ins"

200 OK