API QuickPasteCats

See API Specification

QuickPasteCats are used to organize Quick Paste Notes of a similar type, for more information see Quick Paste Category.

QuickPasteCats GET (single)

Version Added: 22.3.26

Gets a QuickPasteCat corresponding to a passed in QuickPasteCatNum.

Example Request:
GET /quickpastecats/2

Example Response:
"QuickPasteCatNum": 2,
"Description": "Medical Summary",
"ItemOrder": 1,
"DefaultForTypes": "MedicalSummary"

200 OK
404 NotFound

QuickPasteCats GET (multiple)

Version Added: 22.3.26

Gets a list of QuickPasteCats.

Example Request:
GET /quickpastecats
GET /quickpastecats?Limit=20&Offset=50

Example Response:
"QuickPasteCatNum": 1,
"Description": "Medical Urgent",
"ItemOrder": 0,
"DefaultForTypes": ""
"QuickPasteCatNum": 2,
"Description": "Medical Summary",
"ItemOrder": 1,
"DefaultForTypes": "MedicalSummary"
"QuickPasteCatNum": 3,
"Description": "Notes",
"ItemOrder": 2,
"DefaultForTypes": "ServiceNotes,PatAddressNote,FinancialNotes,AutoNote"

200 OK
400 BadRequest