API ProcedureCodes

See API Specification

ProcedureCodes GET (single)

Version Added: 23.3.25

Gets a single ProcedureCode.

Example Request:
GET /procedurecodes/35

Example Response:
"CodeNum": 35,
"ProcCode": "D0120",
"Descript": "periodic oral evaluation - established patient",
"AbbrDesc": "PerEx",
"ProcTime": "/X/",
"ProcCat": 73,
"procCat": "Exams & Xrays",
"TreatArea": "Mouth",
"NoBillIns": "false",
"IsProsth": "false",
"DefaultNote": "",
"IsHygiene": "false",
"AlternateCode1": "",
"MedicalCode": "",
"IsTaxed": "false",
"PaintType": "None",
"LaymanTerm": "",
"IsCanadianLab": "false",
"BaseUnits": 0,
"SubstitutionCode": "",
"SubstOnlyIf": "Always",
"DateTStamp": "2023-12-12 09:15:11",
"DrugNDC": "",
"RevenueCodeDefault": "",
"ProvNumDefault": 0,
"CanadaTimeUnits": 0.0,
"IsRadiology": "false",
"DefaultClaimNote": "",
"DefaultTPNote": "",
"PaintText": "",
"AreaAlsoToothRange": "false",
"DiagnosticCodes": ""

200 OK
404 NotFound

ProcedureCodes GET (multiple)

Version Added: 22.3.22

Gets a list of ProcedureCodes.

DateTStamp: (Added in version 22.4.28) Optional. String in "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format. Get ProcedureCodes altered on and after the specified date and time.

Example Requests:
GET /procedurecodes
GET /procedurecodes?DateTStamp=2021-11-07%2014%3A00%3A00

Example Response:
"CodeNum": 35,
"ProcCode": "D0120",
"Descript": "periodic oral evaluation - established patient",
"AbbrDesc": "PerEx",
"ProcTime": "/X/",
"ProcCat": 73,
"procCat": "Exams & Xrays",
"TreatArea": "Mouth",
"NoBillIns": "false",
"IsProsth": "false",
"DefaultNote": "",
"IsHygiene": "false",
"AlternateCode1": "",
"MedicalCode": "",
"IsTaxed": "false",
"PaintType": "None",
"LaymanTerm": "",
"IsCanadianLab": "false",
"BaseUnits": 0,
"SubstitutionCode": "",
"SubstOnlyIf": "Always",
"DateTStamp": "2023-12-12 09:15:11",
"DrugNDC": "",
"RevenueCodeDefault": "",
"ProvNumDefault": 0,
"CanadaTimeUnits": 0.0,
"IsRadiology": "false",
"DefaultClaimNote": "",
"DefaultTPNote": "",
"PaintText": "",
"AreaAlsoToothRange": "false",
"DiagnosticCodes": ""
"CodeNum": 36,
"ProcCode": "D0140",
"Descript": "limited oral evaluation - problem focused",
"AbbrDesc": "LimEx",
"ProcTime": "/X/",
"ProcCat": 73,
"procCat": "Exams & Xrays",
"TreatArea": "Mouth",
"NoBillIns": "false",
"IsProsth": "false",
"DefaultNote": "",
"IsHygiene": "false",
"AlternateCode1": "",
"MedicalCode": "",
"IsTaxed": "false",
"PaintType": "None",
"LaymanTerm": "",
"IsCanadianLab": "false",
"BaseUnits": 0,
"SubstitutionCode": "",
"SubstOnlyIf": "Always",
"DateTStamp": "2018-07-18 08:59:14",
"DrugNDC": "",
"RevenueCodeDefault": "",
"ProvNumDefault": 0,
"CanadaTimeUnits": 1.0,
"IsRadiology": "false",
"DefaultClaimNote": "",
"DefaultTPNote": "",
"PaintText": "",
"AreaAlsoToothRange": "false",
"DiagnosticCodes": ""

200 OK
400 BadRequest

ProcedureCodes POST (create)

Version Added: 22.3

Creates a new ProcedureCode. For more information, see Procedure Code.

ProcCode: Required. Dental code.
Descript: Required. The main description of the procedure.
AbbrDesc: Required. Abbreviated description.
ProcCat: This or procCat is required. FK to definition.DefNum where definition.Category=11.
procCat: This or ProcCat is required. The string version of the definition.ItemName.

ProcTime: Optional. Time pattern in increments defined by the AppointmentTimeIncrement preference. A string consisting of 'X' and '/' characters only. Default "/X/".
TreatArea: (Added in version 22.4.34) Optional. Either "None", "Surf", "Tooth", "Mouth", "Quad", "Sextant", "Arch", or "ToothRange". Default is "None".
NoBillIns: (Added in version 23.2.10) Optional. Either "true" or "false". Default "false".
IsProsth: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. Either "true" or "false". Default "false".
DefaultNote: Optional. The default note for this procedure that will be copied to a ProcNote when marking complete.
IsHygiene: Optional. Either "true" or "false". Default "false".
AlternateCode1: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. For Medicaid.
MedicalCode: Optional. FK to procedurecode.ProcCode. The medical code that is being referenced must be set up first. Anytime a procedure is added, this medical code will also be added to that procedure.
IsTaxed: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. If true, uses PrefName.SalesTaxDefaultProvider to apply a sales tax adjustment to procedurelog. Either "true" or "false". Default "false".
PaintType: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. Either "None", "Extraction", "Implant", "RCT", "PostBU", "FillingDark", "FillingLight", "CrownDark", "CrownLight", "BridgeDark", "BridgeLight", "DentureDark", "DentureLight", "Sealant", "Veneer", "Text", "RetainedRoot", or "SpaceMaintainer". Default is "None".
LaymanTerm: Optional. When creating treatment plans, this description will be used instead of Descript.
IsCanadianLab: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. True if procedure code is used as an adjunct to track the lab fee. Either "true" or "false". Default "false".
BaseUnits: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. Base units for a code. Cannot be negative. Normally 0.
SubstitutionCode: (Added in version 22.4.9) Optional. FK to procedurecode.ProcCode. Used to create a substitution code at the procedure level. Case sensitive.
SubstOnlyIf: (Added in version 22.4.9) Optional. Either "Always", "Molar", "SecondMolar", "Never", or "Posterior". Only used if SubstitutionCode is set. Default is "Always".
DrugNDC: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. National Drug Code number. 11 digits or blank.
RevenueCodeDefault: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. A 3-digit code sometimes used for institutional claims.
ProvNumDefault: Optional. FK to provider.ProvNum. 0 for none. Otherwise, this provider will override other providers.
CanadaTimeUnits: Optional. Tracks scaling insurance and periodontal scaling units for patients depending on coverage.
IsRadiology: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. Either "true" or "false". Default "false".
DefaultClaimNote: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. Default note appended to claim.ClaimNote when a claim is created using this procedure code.
DefaultTPNote: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. Default note appended to a treatment planned procedure.
PaintText: (Added in version 23.3.24) Optional. The text to draw on the tooth. PaintType must be "Text".
AreaAlsoToothRange: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. TreatArea must be "Quad" or "Arch". Either "true" or "false". Default "false".
DiagnosticCodes: (Added in version 23.3.25) Optional. Text to store up to 4 ICD-10 codes. Codes are comma-separated with no whitespace.

Example Request:
POST /procedurecodes

"ProcCode": "G0140",
"Descript": "limited oral evaluation - problem focused",
"AbbrDesc": "LimEx",
"ProcCat": 83,
"DiagnosticCodes": "B08.09"

Example Response:
"CodeNum": 617,
"ProcCode": "G0140",
"Descript": "limited oral evaluation - problem focused",
"AbbrDesc": "LimEx",
"ProcTime": "/X/",
"ProcCat": 83,
"procCat": "Ortho",
"TreatArea": "None",
"NoBillIns": "false",
"IsProsth": "false",
"DefaultNote": "",
"IsHygiene": "false",
"AlternateCode1": "",
"MedicalCode": "",
"IsTaxed": "false",
"PaintType": "None",
"LaymanTerm": "",
"IsCanadianLab": "false",
"BaseUnits": 0,
"SubstitutionCode": "",
"SubstOnlyIf": "Always",
"DateTStamp": "2023-12-29 09:19:21",
"DrugNDC": "",
"RevenueCodeDefault": "",
"ProvNumDefault": 0,
"CanadaTimeUnits": 0.0,
"IsRadiology": "false",
"DefaultClaimNote": "",
"DefaultTPNote": "",
"PaintText": "",
"AreaAlsoToothRange": "false",
"DiagnosticCodes": "B08.09"

201 Created
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

ProcedureCodes PUT (update)

Version Added: 23.3.25

Updates an existing ProcedureCode. All fields are optional. For more information, see Procedure Code.

CodeNum: Required in URL.

Descript: The main description of the Procedure.
AbbrDesc: Abbreviated description.
ProcTime: Time pattern in increments defined by the AppointmentTimeIncrement preference. A string consisting of 'X' and '/' characters only.
ProcCat: This or procCat. FK to definition.DefNum where definition.Category=11.
procCat: This or ProcCat. The string version of the definition.ItemName.
TreatArea: Either "None", "Surf", "Tooth", "Mouth", "Quad", "Sextant", "Arch", or "ToothRange".
NoBillIns: Either "true" or "false".
IsProsth: Either "true" or "false".
DefaultNote: The default note for this procedure that will be copied to a ProcNote when marking complete.
IsHygiene: Either "true" or "false".
AlternateCode1: For Medicaid.
MedicalCode: FK to procedurecode.ProcCode. The medical code that is being referenced must be set up first. Anytime a procedure is added, this medical code will also be added to that procedure.
IsTaxed: If true, uses PrefName.SalesTaxDefaultProvider to apply a sales tax adjustiment to a procedurelog. Either "true" or "false".
PaintType: Either "None", "Extraction", "Implant", "RCT", "PostBU", "FillingDark", "FillingLight", "CrownDark", "CrownLight", "BridgeDark", "BridgeLight", "DentureDark", "DentureLight", "Sealant", "Veneer", "Text", "RetainedRoot", or "SpaceMaintainer".
LaymanTerm: When creating treatment plans, this description will be used instead of the Descript.
IsCanadianLab: True if procedure code is used as an adjunct to track lab fee. Either "true" or "false".
BaseUnits: Base units for a code. Cannot be negative. Normally 0.
SubstitutionCode: FK to procedureCode.ProcCode. Used to create a substitution code at the procedure level. Case sensitive.
SubstOnlyIf: Either "Always", "Molar", "SecondMolar", "Never", or "Posterior". Only used if SubstitutionCode is set.
DrugNDC: National Drug Code number. 11 digits or blank.
RevenueCodeDefault: A 3-digit code sometimes used for institutional claims.
ProvNumDefault: FK to provider.ProvNum. 0 for none. Otherwise, this provider will override other providers.
CanadaTimeUnits: Tracks scaling insurance and periodontal scaling units for patients depending on coverage.
IsRadiology: Either "true" or "false".
DefaultClaimNote: Default note appended to claim.ClaimNote when a claim is created using this procedure code.
DefaultTPNote: Default note appended to a treatment planned procedure.
PaintText: The text to draw on the tooth. PaintType must be "Text".
AreaAlsoToothRange: TreatArea must be "Quad" or "Arch". Either "true" or "false".
DiagnosticCodes: Text to store up to 4 ICD-10 codes. Codes are comma-separated with no whitespace.

Example Request:
PUT /procedurecodes/617

"PaintType": "Text",
"PaintText": "Watch"

Example Response:
"CodeNum": 617,
"ProcCode": "G0140",
"Descript": "limited oral evaluation - problem focused",
"AbbrDesc": "LimEx",
"ProcTime": "/X/",
"ProcCat": 83,
"procCat": "Ortho",
"TreatArea": "None",
"NoBillIns": "false",
"IsProsth": "false",
"DefaultNote": "",
"IsHygiene": "false",
"AlternateCode1": "",
"MedicalCode": "",
"IsTaxed": "false",
"PaintType": "Text",
"LaymanTerm": "",
"IsCanadianLab": "false",
"BaseUnits": 0,
"SubstitutionCode": "",
"SubstOnlyIf": "Always",
"DateTStamp": "2023-12-29 09:19:21",
"DrugNDC": "",
"RevenueCodeDefault": "",
"ProvNumDefault": 0,
"CanadaTimeUnits": 0.0,
"IsRadiology": "false",
"DefaultClaimNote": "",
"DefaultTPNote": "",
"PaintText": "Watch",
"AreaAlsoToothRange": "false",
"DiagnosticCodes": "B08.09"

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)