API Permissions
The security permissions for the API are organized differently from those in Open Dental.
Permission | Methods | Details |
Read All | AccountModules GET Aging AccountModules GET PatientBalances AccountModules GET ServiceDateView Adjustments GET Allergies GET AllergyDefs GET Appointments GET (single/multiple) Appointments GET SlotsWebSched Appointments GET Slots Appointments GET ASAP Appointments GET WebSched AppointmentTypes GET ApptFields GET ApptFieldDefs GET AsapComms GET (single/multiple) AutoNoteControls GET AutoNotes GET Benefits GET Carriers GET (single/multiple) ChartModules GET ProgNotes ChartModules GET PatientInfo ChartModules GET PlannedAppts ClaimProcs GET ClaimPayments GET (single/multiple) Claims GET (single/multiple) ClaimTrackings GET Clinics GET ClockEvents GET (single/multiple) CodeGroups GET Commlogs GET Computers GET CovCats GET (single/multiple) CovSpans GET (single/multiple) Definitions GET DiscountPlans GET DiscountPlanSubs GET Diseases GET (single/multiple) DiseaseDefs GET (single/multiple) Documents GET (single/multiple) EhrPatients GET EobAttaches GET Employees GET (single/multiple) Employers GET (single/multiple) EtransMessageTexts GET Etranss GET FamilyModules GET Insurance Fees GET (single/multiple) FeeScheds GET HistAppointments GET InsPlans GET (single/multiple) LabCases GET (single/multiple) Laboratories GET (single/multiple) LabTurnarounds GET (single/multiple) Medications GET MedicationPats GET Operatories GET (single/multiple) PatFieldDefs GET PatFields GET PatientNotes GET PatientRaces GET Patients GET (single/multiple) Patients GET Simple PatPlans GET Payments GET PayPlanCharges GET PayPlans GET (multiple) PaySplits GET PerioExams GET PerioMeasures GET Pharmacies GET (single/multiple) Popups GET Preferences GET ProcedureCodes GET (single/multiple) ProcedureLogs GET ProcedureLogs GET InsuranceHistory ProcNotes GET ProcTPs GET Providers GET QuickPasteCats GET (single/multiple) QuickPasteNotes GET (single/multiple) Recalls GET Recalls GET List RecallTypes GET (single/multiple) RefAttaches GET Referrals GET (single/multiple) Reports GET Aging Reports GET FinanceCharges RxPats GET (single/multiple) SecurityLogs GET SecurityPerms GET ScheduleOps GET Schedules GET (single/multiple) SheetDefs GET Sheets GET Signalods GET Statements GET (single/multiple) Subscriptions GET Subscriptions POST Subscriptions PUT SubstitutionLinks GET TaskLists GET TaskNotes GET (single/multiple) Tasks GET ToothInitials GET TreatPlanAttaches GET TreatPlans GET UserGroupAttaches GET UserGroups GET Userods GET |
All GET methods. These are throttled at different rates for different users. |
AllOthers | Adjustments POST Adjustments PUT Allergies DELETE Allergies POST Allergies PUT AutoNoteControls POST AutoNoteControls PUT AutoNotes POST AutoNotes PUT Carriers POST Carriers PUT DiscountPlans POST DiscountPlans PUT DiscountPlanSubs DELETE DiscountPlanSubs POST DiscountPlanSubs PUT Diseases DELETE Diseases POST Diseases PUT Documents DELETE Documents POST DownloadMount Documents POST DownloadSftp Documents POST SetByUrl Documents POST Thumbnails Documents POST UploadSftp Documents PUT EhrPatients PUT EobAttaches POST DownloadSftp EobAttaches POST UploadSftp Employers DELETE Employers POST Employers PUT Fees DELETE Fees POST Fees PUT FeeScheds POST FeeScheds PUT LabCases POST LabCases PUT LabCases DELETE Laboratories POST Laboratories PUT LabTurnarounds POST LabTurnarounds PUT MedicationPats DELETE MedicationPats POST PatFieldDefs DELETE PatFieldDefs POST PatFieldDefs PUT PatFields PUT PatientNotes PUT PerioExams DELETE PerioExams POST PerioExams PUT PerioMeasures DELETE PerioMeasures POST PerioMeasures PUT ProcedureCodes POST ProcedureCodes PUT ProcedureLogs POST GroupNote ProcedureLogs DELETE GroupNote ProcedureLogs PUT GroupNote ProcNotes POST ProcTPs DELETE Recalls POST Recalls PUT Recalls PUT SwitchType RefAttaches DELETE RefAttaches POST RefAttaches PUT Referrals POST Referrals PUT Sheets POST Sheets POST DownloadSftp SubstitutionLinks DELETE SubstitutionLinks POST SubstitutionLinks PUT TaskNotes POST TaskNotes PUT Tasks POST Tasks PUT ToothInitials DELETE ToothInitials POST TreatPlans POST TreatPlans POST Saved TreatPlans PUT |
Any method not listed under a different permission. |
Comm | Appointments PUT Break Appointments PUT Confirm Appointments PUT Note ApptFields PUT Commlogs POST Popups POST Recalls PUT Status |
Documents | Documents POST Upload (not any other Documents methods) |
Because each upload consumes bandwidth. |
Queries | Queries POST Queries PUT ShortQuery |
Appointments | Appointments POST Appointments POST Planned Appointments POST SchedulePlanned Appointments POST WebSched Appointments PUT |
Insurance | Benefits DELETE Benefits POST Benefits PUT ClaimPayments DELETE ClaimPayments POST ClaimPayments POST Batch ClaimPayments PUT ClaimProcs PUT ClaimProcs POST InsAdjust ClaimProcs PUT InsAdjust Claims DELETE Claims POST Claims PUT Claims PUT Split Claims PUT Status ClaimTrackings POST ClaimTrackings PUT InsPlans POST InsPlans PUT InsSubs DELETE InsSubs POST InsSubs PUT PatPlans DELETE PatPlans POST InsVerifies PUT |
These are complex and rarely used. |
Patients | Patients POST Patients PUT |
Payments | Payments POST Payments PUT |
Added in version 21.3. |
PayPlans | PayPlans POST (Deprecated in version 23.3) PayPlans POST Dynamic |
Added in version 21.3. |
ProcedureLogs | ProcedureLogs DELETE ProcedureLogs POST ProcedureLogs POST InsuranceHistory ProcedureLogs PUT |
Added in version 21.4. |
Setup | AllergyDefs POST ApptFieldDefs POST Clinics PUT CovCats POST CoCats PUT CovSpans DELETE CovSpans POST CovSpans PUT Definitions POST DiseaseDefs POST Medications POST Providers POST Providers PUT Userods POST Userods PUT |
Added in version 23.1. |
TextingASAP* | AsapComms POST |
Added in version 23.3. |
Enterprise* | Applies to all methods. | Added in version 23.3. Increases Limit for Remote mode to 1000 elements, and Local/Service mode to 10,000 elements. Also reduces throttle to 500ms, for Remote mode. |
The normal Open Dental permissions are used for logging API actions, but they do not restrict the API from making changes. For example, date restrictions do not apply.
General monthly pricing for API is:
Pricing is per location. If your organization develops for a large number of practices, contact Open Dental Support to discuss pricing.