API Medications

See API Specification

Medications GET

Version Added: 21.3

Gets the list of medications that can be assigned to patients.

Rarely used. Usually just use MedicationPats GET and POST.

Example Request:
GET /medications

Example Response:
"MedicationNum": 12,
"MedName": "Glucophage",
"GenericNum": 124,
"genericName": "Metformin",
"Notes": "Antidiabetic agent",
"DateTStamp": "2016-12-01"

Example Response:
201 Created
400 BadRequest (Missing or Invalid fields)

Medications POST

Version Added: 21.3

Creates a new medication.

Rarely used. Usually just use MedicationPats GET and POST.

MedName: Required.

genericName: Optional. If not provided this will be the same as MedName.
Notes: Optional.

Example Requests:
POST /medications

"MedName": "Metformin"

"MedName": "Glucophage",
"genericName": "Metformin",
"Notes": "Antidiabetic agent"

Example Response:
201 Created
400 BadRequest (Missing or Invalid fields)
404 Not Found "No Medication with that genericName was found"