API DiscountPlans

See API Specification

See Discount Plans for more information.

DiscountPlans GET (single)

Version Added: 22.4.19

Gets a single Discount Plan.


DiscountPlanNum: Required in URL.

Example Request:
GET /discountplans/2

Example Response:
"DiscountPlanNum": 2,
"Description": "Happy Smiles Basic",
"FeeSchedNum": 54,
"DefNum": 336,
"adjustmentType": "Discount Plan",
"IsHidden": "false",
"PlanNote": "50% services when paid cash at time of service.",
"ExamFreqLimit": 1,
"XrayFreqLimit": 1,
"ProphyFreqLimit": 1,
"FluorideFreqLimit": 0,
"PerioFreqLimit": 1,
"LimitedExamFreqLimit": 0,
"PAFreqLimit": 1,
"AnnualMax": 1000.0

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

DiscountPlans GET (multiple)

Version Added: 22.4.19

Gets a list of Discount Plans.

Example Request:
GET /discountplans

Example Response:
"DiscountPlanNum": 1,
"Description": "Happy Smiles Plus",
"FeeSchedNum": 54,
"DefNum": 336,
"adjustmentType": "Discount Plan",
"IsHidden": "true",
"PlanNote": "75% services when paid cash at time of service.",
"ExamFreqLimit": 1,
"XrayFreqLimit": 0,
"ProphyFreqLimit": 0,
"FluorideFreqLimit": 0,
"PerioFreqLimit": 1,
"LimitedExamFreqLimit": 1,
"PAFreqLimit": 1,
"AnnualMax": 500.0
"DiscountPlanNum": 2,
"Description": "Happy Smiles Basic",
"FeeSchedNum": 54,
"DefNum": 336,
"adjustmentType": "Discount Plan",
"IsHidden": "false",
"PlanNote": "50% services when paid cash at time of service.",
"ExamFreqLimit": 1,
"XrayFreqLimit": 1,
"ProphyFreqLimit": 1,
"FluorideFreqLimit": 0,
"PerioFreqLimit": 1,
"LimitedExamFreqLimit": 0,
"PAFreqLimit": 1,
"AnnualMax": 1000.0

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

DiscountPlans POST

Version Added: 23.1.20

Creates a DiscountPlan. Frequencies that do not have a limitation display as blank in Open Dental and are stored as -1 in the database.

Description: Required. Description of this Discount Plan.
FeeSchedNum: Required. FK to feesched.FeeSchedNum.
DefNum: Required. definition.DefNum where definition.Category=1 and definition.ItemValue=dp.

IsHidden: Optional. Hides a Discount Plan. Default "false".
PlanNote: Optional. Note on a Discount Plan.
ExamFreqLimit: Optional. Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Exam category. Default -1.
XrayFreqLimit: Optional. Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's X-Ray category. Default -1 .
ProphyFreqLimit: Optional. Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Prophylaxis category. Default -1.
FluorideFreqLimit: Optional. Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Fluoride category. Default -1.
PerioFreqLimit: Optional. Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Periodontal category. Default -1.
LimitedExamFreqLimit: Optional. Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Limited Exam category. Default -1.
PAFreqLimit: Optional. Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Periapical X-Ray category. Default -1.
AnnualMax: Optional. Annual discount maximum for frequency limitations. Default -1, indicates no annual max limitation.

Example Request:
POST /discountplans

"Description": "Happy Smiles Ultra",
"FeeSchedNum": 54,
"DefNum": 336

Example Response:
"DiscountPlanNum": 3,
"Description": "Happy Smiles Ultra",
"FeeSchedNum": 54,
"DefNum": 336,
"adjustmentType": "Discount Plan",
"IsHidden": "false",
"PlanNote": "",
"ExamFreqLimit": -1,
"XrayFreqLimit": -1,
"ProphyFreqLimit": -1,
"FluorideFreqLimit": -1,
"PerioFreqLimit": -1,
"LimitedExamFreqLimit": -1,
"PAFreqLimit": -1,
"AnnualMax": -1.0

201 Created
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)

DiscountPlans PUT

Version Added: 23.1.20

Updates an existing DiscountPlan. Updating Description and/or PlanNote will overwrite existing values. Frequencies that do not have a limitation display as blank in Open Dental and are stored as -1 in the database.

DiscountPlanNum: Required in URL.

Description: Description of this Discount Plan.
FeeSchedNum: FK to feesched.FeeSchedNum.
DefNum: definition.DefNum where definition.Category=1 and definition.ItemValue=dp.
IsHidden: Hides a Discount Plan. Either "true" or "false".
PlanNote: Note on a Discount Plan.
ExamFreqLimit: Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Exam category. -1 indicates blank.
XrayFreqLimit: Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's X-Ray category. -1 indicates blank.
ProphyFreqLimit: Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Prophylaxis category. -1 indicates blank.
FluorideFreqLimit: Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Fluoride category. -1 indicates blank.
PerioFreqLimit: Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Periodontal category. -1 indicates blank.
LimitedExamFreqLimit: Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Limited Exam category. -1 indicates blank.
PAFreqLimit: Number of procedures allowed for a Discount Plan's Periapical X-Ray category. -1 indicates blank.
AnnualMax: Annual discount maximum for frequency limitations. -1 indicates blank or no annual max limitation.

Example Request:
PUT /discountplans/1

"Description": "Happy Smiles Basic Plus",
"IsHidden": "false"

Example Response:
"DiscountPlanNum": 1,
"Description": "Happy Smiles Basic Plus",
"FeeSchedNum": 54,
"DefNum": 336,
"adjustmentType": "Discount Plan",
"IsHidden": "false",
"PlanNote": "75% services when paid cash at time of service.",
"ExamFreqLimit": 1,
"XrayFreqLimit": 0,
"ProphyFreqLimit": 0,
"FluorideFreqLimit": 0,
"PerioFreqLimit": 1,
"LimitedExamFreqLimit": 1,
"PAFreqLimit": 1,
"AnnualMax": 500.0

200 OK
400 BadRequest (with explanation)
404 NotFound (with explanation)