API AutoNoteControls

See API Specification

Auto Note Controls are the prompts for Auto Note Setup.

AutoNoteControls GET

Version Added: 22.3.22

Gets a list of AutoNoteControls.

Example Request:
GET /autonotecontrols

Example Response:
"AutoNoteControlNum": 1,
"Descript": "Medications",
"ControlType": "MultiResponse",
"ControlLabel": "Medications",
"ControlOptions": "Zantac\r\nValium\r\nAdvair\r\nElavil"
"AutoNoteControlNum": 2,
"Descript": "Allergies",
"ControlType": "MultiResponse",
"ControlLabel": "Allergies",
"ControlOptions": "Amox\r\nLatex\r\nPen VK\r\nCeph\r\nErythro\r\nSulfa"
"AutoNoteControlNum": 3,
"Descript": "BP Pulse",
"ControlType": "Text",
"ControlLabel": "BP Pulse",
"ControlOptions": "BP: / Pulse: "

200 OK
400 BadRequest

AutoNoteControls POST (create)

Version Added: 22.3

Creates a new AutoNoteControl.

Descript: Required. The description of the AutoNoteControl as it will be displayed.
ControlType: Required. Either "Text", "OneResponse", "MultiResponse".
ControlLabel: Required. Prompt text.
ControlOptions: Required unless the ControlType is Text. The list of possible responses, one per line. Responses must be separated by \r\n.

Example Request:
POST /autonotecontrols
"Descript": "Medications",
"ControlType": "MultiResponse",
"ControlLabel": "Medications",
"ControlOptions": "Zantac\r\nValium\r\nAdvair\r\nElavil"

Example Response:
"AutoNoteControlNum": 5,
"Descript": "Medications",
"ControlType": "MultiResponse",
"ControlLabel": "Medications",
"ControlOptions": "Zantac\r\nValium\r\nAdvair\r\nElavil"

201 Created
400 BadRequest (Missing or invalid fields)

AutoNoteControls PUT (update)

Version Added: 22.3

Updates an existing AutoNoteControl. All fields are optional.

AutoNoteControlNum: Required in the URL.

Descript: The description of the AutoNoteControl as it will be displayed.
ControlType: Either "Text", "OneResponse", "MultiResponse"
ControlLabel: Prompt text.
ControlOptions: The list of possible responses, one per line. Responses must be separated by \r\n.

Example Request:
PUT /autonotecontrols/5
"ControlType": "MultiResponse"

200 OK
400 BadRequest (Missing or invalid fields)
404 NotFound ("AuotNoteControl not found")