API AccountModules

See API Specification

AccountModules GET Aging

Version Added: 22.3.6

Gets the Aging information for a patient and their family, similarly to how it shows in the Account Module Aging grid.

PatNum: Required in the URL.

Returned fields are detailed below:

Bal_0_30: Aged balance from 0 to 30 days old for the entire family.
Bal_31_60: Aged balance from 31 to 60 days old for the entire family.
Bal_61_90: Aged balance from 61 to 90 days old for the entire family.
BalOver90: Aged balance over 90 days old for the entire family.
Total: Total balance for entire family before insurance estimate.
InsEst: Insurance Estimate for entire family.
EstBal: The total remaining balance for the family after subtracting pending insurance amounts and write-offs.
PatEstBal: The patient balance after subtracting pending insurance amounts and write-offs.
Unearned: The total Unearned / Prepayment balance for the family.

Example Request:
GET /accountmodules/1337/Aging

Example Response:
"Bal_0_30": 276.28,
"Bal_31_60": 49.0,
"Bal_61_90": 64.0,
"BalOver90": 278.03,
"Total": 667.31,
"InsEst": 100.0,
"EstBal": 567.31,
"PatEstBal": 24.0,
"Unearned": 2.46

200 OK
400 BadRequest (Patient is deleted, etc)
404 NotFound (Patient not found)

AccountModules GET PatientBalances

Version Added: 22.1

Gets the patient portion for a patient's family, similarly to how it shows in the Account Module's Select Patient grid.

PatNum: Required in the URL.

Returned fields are detailed below:

PatNum: The patient's PatNum / family guarantor's PatNum.
Name: The first and last name of the patient, or "Entire Family" when regarding the total patient portion of the family.
Balance: The balance of the patient/entire family.

Example Request:
GET /accountmodules/16/PatientBalances

Example Response:
"PatNum": 15,
"Name": "Smith, John",
"Balance": 140.2
"PatNum": 16,
"Name": "Smith, Jane",
"Balance": 180.55
"PatNum": 17,
"Name": "Smith, Junior",
"Balance": 68
"PatNum": 18,
"Name": "Smith, Sis",
"Balance": 0
"PatNum": 15,
"Name": "Entire Family",
"Balance": 388.75

AccountModules GET ServiceDateView

Version Added: 22.3.32

Gets a list of all charges and credits to the account for a patient and their family, similarly to how it shows in the Service Date View.

PatNum: Required in the URL.
isFamily: Optional. Either "true" or "false". Return data for the entire patient's family. Default "false".

Returned fields are detailed below:

ObjectType: The type of object being returned. Either ProcedureLog, Adjustment, PaySplit, ClaimProc, PayPlanCharge, or PayPlan. Otherwise blank.
PrimaryKey: Primary Key corresponding to the ObjectType. Example: procedure.ProcNum=985.
Type: Further details of the ObjectType being displayed: 'Proc', 'Adj-Att.', 'PatPay Att.', 'WriteOff-Att.', 'InsPay-Att.', 'PayPlan Charge Att.', 'PatPay Att. PayPlan', 'Unallocated', 'PatPay', 'WriteOff', 'Adj', 'InsPay', 'PayPlan Credit', 'Dynamic PayPlan Credit', 'PayPlan Charge', 'PatPay PayPlan', 'Day Total', 'Overall Total'. Att. indicates Attached.
ServiceDate: Date service was provided.
TransDate: Date transaction was posted.
Patient: patient.FName.
PatNum: patient.PatNum.
Reference: Description of the of the returned object.
Charge: Amount that was charged.
Credit: Amount that was paid.
Provider: provider.Abbr.
InsBal: Balance of estimated insurance payment.
AcctBal: The remaining patient portion balance.

Example Request:
GET /accountmodules/65/ServiceDateView?isFamily=true

Example Response:
"ObjectType": "Procedure",
"PrimaryKey": "43",
"Type": "Proc",
"ServiceDate": "2021-07-13",
"TransDate": "",
"Patient": "Jaime",
"PatNum": "65",
"Reference": "D2393:#14-MOD-C3(P)",
"Charge": "235.00",
"Credit": "0.00",
"Provider": "DOC2",
"InsBal": "0.00",
"AcctBal": "216.20"
"ObjectType": "Adjustment",
"PrimaryKey": "10",
"Type": "Adj-Att.",
"ServiceDate": "",
"TransDate": "2021-07-13",
"Patient": "Jaime",
"PatNum": "65",
"Reference": "Adj- Discount",
"Charge": "0.00",
"Credit": "18.80",
"Provider": "DOC2",
"InsBal": "",
"AcctBal": ""
"ObjectType": "",
"PrimaryKey": "",
"Type": "Day Total",
"ServiceDate": "2021-07-13",
"TransDate": "",
"Patient": "",
"PatNum": "",
"Reference": "Total for Date",
"Charge": "235.00",
"Credit": "18.80",
"Provider": "",
"InsBal": "0.00",
"AcctBal": "216.20"

200 OK
400 BadRequest (Patient is deleted, etc)
404 NotFound (Patient not found)