Wiki Search

Use the Wiki Search to quickly find a wiki page.

In the Wiki, click Search.

Search Bar: Enter a search term. Results are listed in this order:

  1. Pages that have matching keywords, listed alphabetically.
  2. Pages that have matching characters in the Page Name, listed alphabetically.
  3. Pages that have a link, where the linked page has the search term listed as a keyword.
  4. Pages that have matching characters anywhere in the content, listed alphabetically.

Search: If Ignore Content is unchecked, users must click Search or press Enter on the keyboard to filter results.

Ignore Content: Choose what content is included for search terms. Checked by default. Uncheck to save this as the default setting for the current user.

Archived Only: Choose to view archived wiki pages.

Exact Match: View only exact matches for the typed search term.

Show Main Pages: Sort page results alphabetically based on the following:

Run on report server: Only displays when a Report Server is used.