Wiki List

Wiki Lists are a way to store non-clinical data in a convenient table format.

In the Wiki, click Lists.

Wiki lists are stored as tables in the database, so they are both searchable and reportable.

View or Edit a Wiki List

Click Add to create a new list, or double-click an existing list open Edit Wiki List to view the list or make changes.




Edit Wiki List Headers

Edit the column width, hide or delete columns, and set up pick list options from here. Additional columns must be added from Edit Wiki List.

Wiki List Headers: Lists all columns added to the table. Click a field to edit.

Pick List Options: Data can be entered by free typing or selecting a pick list item from a dropdown. If pick list options exist for a column, typing is disabled for the column when editing a wiki list item. Highlight a column to view or edit its pick list options.

Hide Column: Highlight a column, then click to mark it as hidden. Hidden columns retain information and can be viewed as needed in the wiki list.

Click Save to keep changes.

Note: When a list is created, there is a static column named [tablename]Num. This is the primary key column used in the database and cannot be moved or renamed. It can be changed in width or hidden.

Edit Wiki List Item

Click into a value field to enter data. If there are pick lists options, choose from the dropdown. If there are no pick list options, type text manually.

Delete: Click to remove the row.

Click Save to keep changes.

Generate a Query

Each wiki list represents a table in the database named using the follow format: wikilist_listname. The wiki list can be used when generating a User Query. Example: SELECT * FROM wikilist_employeename