Web Sched New Patient

Web Sched New Patient allows new patients to schedule their appointment online.

In the eServices Setup window, click New Patient.

The office can determine which type of appointments a new patient can schedule, what hours are available, what operatories are available, and other appointment criteria.

To begin using Web Sched New Patient, first Sign Up for the service. After enabling and setting up Web Sched New Patient, see Web Sched Advanced to create the Web Sched New Patient URL.

For additional information:

Appointment Types

Web Sched New Pat Appt Types must be created prior to offering Web Sched New Patient. Web Sched New Patient Appointment Types determine the reasons patients can select for their appointment, the procedures for the appointment, the appointment length, and the time pattern.

Edit: Click to open Definitions: Web Sched New Patient Appt Types. Add or edit appointment types as needed.

Operatories Considered

Lists the operatories considered for available time slots. Only operatories associated with New Pat Appt Types are considered.

Edit: Click to open Operatory Setup. Add or edit operatories as needed.

Available Times for Patients

This area offers a preview of up to one month of open time slots for a location, based on the current settings.

Click Refresh to view openings.

Appointment Message

The Appointment Message is intended to provide useful information to patients and displays when the appointment is being created. Click in the message to customize it.

Allowed Blockout Types

By default, Web Sched New Patient does not consider Blockouts as available time. However, scheduling can be allowed on top of specific blockout types.

Other Settings

Additional settings can determine the functionality of Web Sched New Patient.

Web Sched New Patient Logic

Below are additional details and information that affect Web Sched New Patient appointment openings, provider assignment, and appointment details.

New Patients: Before allowing a patient to schedule a new patient appointment, Web Sched verifies that a record for the patient doesn't already exist.

  1. First it checks for a matching last name, first name or preferred name, and birthdate. If no match, patient can schedule.
  2. If a match exists, Web Sched compares the entered email address to the email address of all family members for whom a record exists. If no match, patient can schedule.
  3. If a match exists, Web Sched compares the entered phone number to the phone number for all family members for whom a record exists. If no match, patient can schedule. If a match exists, patient cannot schedule.

Providers / Operatories: Providers are assigned based on the operatory the appointment is scheduled in. It is important to assign a default provider to the operatory and/or assign the operatory to the provider's schedule time block. Providers cannot be marked as Not a Person in the Provider Edit window.

When there are multiple operatories with openings at the same time, an appointment will be scheduled in the operatory on the farthest left of the schedule.

When a provider's schedule is not assigned to a specific operatory, Web Scheduling will consider all Web Sched operatories where they are a primary provider as open for scheduling. This can result in appointments being created in operatories that appear to be closed.

Available Appointments: