Static Text Field Names

See Sheet Static Text Field.

Static text fields are a type of Sheet Field used for fixed text. This list is in progress. Each field may not have a description.

Static Text Field Name Description
activeAllergies active Allergies
activeProblems active Problems
address patient address
age patient age (based on birthdate)
apptsAllFuture future appointments
apptModNote appointment module note (Appointment History window)
apptDateMonthSpelled Displays the date of the selected appointment as: Month, Day, Year (e.g. March 17, 2021)
  • only available for Patient Letters and Referral Letters
  • when this field is in use on a letter, and that letter is selected, the Appointments For window will appear. Select the appointment the letter refers to. If the patient only has one appointment, or no appointments, this window is skipped.
  • when this field is in use on a letter, and that letter is selected from the Treatment Finder Report or Automation, the fields will be blank as no appointment can be selected.
apptProcs Displays the procedures associated with the selected appointment along with the description and surfaces.
  • only available for Patient Letters and Referral Letters
  • when this field is in use on a letter, and that letter is selected, the Appointments For window appears. Select an appointment to attach procedures to the letter. If the patient only has one appointment, or no appointments, this window is skipped.
  • when this field is in use on a letter, and that letter is selected from the Treatment Finder Report, the fields are blank as no appointment can be selected.
  • Letters generated through Automation (e.g., PrintPatientLetter) do not prompt with the Appointments For window, so this field will be blank.
apptProvNameFormal Displays the formal name of the provider associated with the selected appointment.
  • only available for Patient Letters and Referral Letters
  • when this field is in use on a letter, and that letter is selected, the Appointments For window will appear. Select the appointment the letter refers to. If the patient only has one appointment, or no appointments, this window is skipped.
  • when this field is in use on a letter, and that letter is selected from the Treatment Finder Report or Automation, the fields will be blank as no appointment can be selected.
balTotal total account balance for all family members
bal_0_30 balance that is 0 - 30 days old
bal_31_60 balance that is 31 - 60 days old
bal_61_90 balance that is 61 - 90 days old
balOver90 balance that is over 90 days old
balInsEst The total insurance pending amount for all family members.
balTotalMinusInsEst The patient portion (total account balance minus insurance pending amounts)
BillingType Billing Type
Birthdate patient birth date
carrierName primary insurance carrier name
carrier2Name secondary insurance carrier name
carrierAddress primary insurance carrier address
carrier2Address secondary insurance carrier address
carrierCityStZip primary insurance carrier city, state, and zip
carrier2CityStZip secondary insurance carrier city, state, and zip
ChartNumber chart number
cityStateZip patient's city, state, zip code
clinicPatDescription description of the patient's Clinic
clinicPatAddress address of the patient's clinic
clinicPatCityStZip city, state, zip code of the patient's clinic
clinicPhone phone number of the patient's clinic
clinicCurDescription description of the clinic selected in the Main Menu
clinicCurAddress address of the clinic selected in the Main Menu
clinicCurCityStateZip city, state, zip of the clinic selected in the Main Menu
clinicCurPhone phone number of the clinic selected in the Main Menu
currentMedications current Medications
DateFirstVisit patient's date of first visit
dateLastAppt date of the patient's last appointment
dateLastBW date of the patient's last bitewing procedure (based on the procedures set in Code Groups
dateLastExam date of the patient's last exam (based on the procedures set in Code Groups)
dateLastPanoFMX date of the patient's last pano fmx (based on the procedures set in Code Groups)
dateLastPerio date of the patient's last perio (based on the procedures set in Code Groups)
dateLastProphy date of the patient's last prophy (based on the procedures set in Code Groups
dateLastSRP date of the patient's last SRP (based on the procedures set in Code Groups)
dateOfLastSavedTP date the last treatment plan was saved
dateRecallDue recall due date
dateTimeLastAppt date and time of the last appointment
dateTodayLong long format of today's date (e.g. Wednesday, April 16, 2017)
dateToday short format of today's date (e.g. 4/16/2017)
dueForBWYN US Offices Only: Shows Yes/No if the patient is due for bitewings. Text takes disabled recall types into account based on date and family balance. Codes considered: D0210, D0270, D0272, D0273, D0274, D0277.
dueForPanoYN US Offices Only: Shows Yes/No if the patient is due for panoramic x-ray. Text takes disabled recall types into account based on date and family balance. Codes considered: D0210, D0330.
Email patient's email address
famFinNote family financial note (Account module) - one note per family stored with guarantor
famFinUrgNote family urgent fin note (Account module) - stored with guarantor
famPopups current Popups
famRecallDue all members of a family that are overdue for a recall appointment if they are not already scheduled for recall. Shows special recall type (i.e., Perio or Prophy) and due date.
gender gender (Male, Female, Other, Unknown)
genderHeShe He, She, They, The patient (capitalized). Selected based on patient's gender if there are no preferred pronouns.
genderheshe he, she, they, or the patient (lower-case). Selected based on patient's gender if there are no preferred pronouns.
genderHimHer Him, Her, Them, or The patient (capitalized). Selected based on patient's gender if there are no preferred pronouns.
genderhimher him, her, them, or the patient (lower-case). Selected based on patient's gender if there are no preferred pronouns.
genderHimselfHerself Himself, Herself, Themself, or The patient (capitalized). Selected based on patient's gender if there are no preferred pronouns.
genderhimselfherself himself, herself, themself, or the patient (lower-case). Selected based on patient's gender if there are no preferred pronouns.
genderHisHer His, Her, Their, The patient's (capitalized). Selected based on patient's gender if there are no preferred pronouns
genderhisher his, her, their, the patient's (lower-case). Selected based on patient's gender if there are no preferred pronouns.
genderHisHers His, Hers, Theirs, The patient's (capitalized). Selected based on patient's gender if there are no preferred pronouns.
genderhishers his, hers, theirs, the patient's (lower-case). Selected based on patient's gender if there are no preferred pronouns.
guarantorHmPhone guarantor's home phone number
guarantorNameF guarantor's first name
guarantorNameFL guarantor's first name, last name (e.g. Jim Jones)
guarantorNameL guarantor's last name
guarantorNamePref guarantor's preferred name
guarantorNameLF guarantor's last name, first name (e.g. Jones, Jim)
guarantorWirelessPhone guarantor's wireless phone number
guarantorWkPhone guarantor's work phone number
HmPhone home phone number
insAnnualMax primary insurance plan's annual max
insDeductible primary insurance plan's deductible
insDeductibleUsed primary insurance plan's deductible that has been used
insEmployer primary insurance plan's employer
insFeeSchedule primary insurance plan's fee schedule
insFreqBW primary insurance plan's frequency for bitewings
insFreqExams primary insurance plan's frequency for exams
insFreqPanoFMX primary insurance plan's frequency for pano fmx
insPlanGroupName primary insurance plan's group name
insPlanGroupNumber primary insurance plan's group number
insPlanNote primary insurance plan's note
insSubBirthDate primary insurance plan subscriber's birth date
insSubNote primary insurance plan subscriber note
insType primary insurance plan type
ins2AnnualMax secondary insurance plan's annual max
ins2Deductible secondary insurance plan's deductible
ins2DeductibleUsed secondary insurance plan's deductible that has been used
ins2Employer secondary insurance plan's employer
ins2FreqBW secondary insurance plan's frequency for bitewings
ins2FreqExams secondary insurance plan's frequency for exams
ins2FreqPanoFMX secondary insurance plan's frequency for pano fmx
ins2PlanGroupName secondary insurance plan's group name
ins2PlanGroupNumber secondary insurance plan's group number
medicalSummary medical summary (Medical window)
MedUrgNote medical urgent note (Medical window)
nameF first name
nameFL first name, preferred name, last name
nameFLFormal first name, middle initial, last name
nameL last name
nameLF last name, preferred name, first name
nameMI middle initial
namePref preferred name
namePreferredOrFirst uses preferred name. If no preferred name is entered, defaults to patient's first name.
nextSchedApptDate The date of the earliest appointment for the patient with a Scheduled status
nextSchedApptDateT The date and time of the earliest appointment for the patient with a Scheduled status
nextSchedApptsFam Lists the next appointment with a Scheduled status for each family member
patientPortalCredentials Generates and displays a one-time use Patient Portal Feature user name and password for patients who have not accessed the portal yet and have an entered name, address, email, phone number, and date of birth. See Patient Portal Access.

UserName: Ann123

Password: xxxxxx

Cannot be used in Patient Dashboard.
PatNum patient number
plannedAppointmentInfo Displays information from oldest planned appointment.
practiceTitle practice title
priProvNameFormal primary provider first name, middle initial, last name, suffix
recallInterval recall interval
referredFrom When the referred from is a doctor, output will be formatted as follows:First name last name title: specialty (e.g. John Doe DDS: Perio)
referredTo When the referred to is a doctor, output will be formatted as follows: First name last name title: specialty date referred (e.g., John Doe DDS: Perio 06/24/2020)
salutation If a salutation is entered (Edit Patient Information window), it uses that. If not, it uses preferred name or first name.
serviceNote service note (Medical window)
siteDescription Site description
SSN social security number
subscriberID primary insurance plan subscriber ID
subscriberNameFL primary insurance plan subscriber first name, last name
subscriber2NameFL secondary insurance plan subscriber first name, last name
timeNow current time
tpResponsPartyAddress address of the treatment plan's responsible party
tpResponsPartyCityStZip city, state, zip of the treatment plan's responsible party
tpResponsPartyNameFL first name, last name of the treatment plan's responsibility party
treatmentNote notes found under tooth chart
treatmentPlanProcs treatment plan procedures
treatmentPlanProcsPriority priority of the procedures on the treatment plan
WirelessPhone patient's wireless phone number
WkPhone patient's work phone