Referral Analysis Report

This report analyzes the incoming referral count and production for a specific date range

In Standard Reports, in the Lists section, click Referral Analysis.

Patients must have a Referred From entered in the Family Module to be included in the report. See Referrals

To control user access to this report, see Report Setup: Security Permissions.

Report Filters

Providers: Select the providers to include. Ctrl + click to select multiple providers. Select All to include all listed providers.

Date Range: Type a date range for the report in the From/To boxes or use the buttons to set the date range. Applies to patients with procedures set complete in the date range.

Include address information: Check to include additional columns with referrer's address information in the report.

Run as landscape: Only shows when Include address information is checked. Prints the report in landscape.

Only include new patients: Check this box to only include new patients in the analysis. Patients will appear on the report if they had their first procedure completed by a selected provider in the date range. This may differ from the New Patients Report.

Report Preview

After setting report criteria, click OK to launch a print preview of the report results. Below is an example of the report and explanation of the report columns.

For a description of toolbar buttons, see Complex Report System.