Report Setup: Misc Settings

Miscellaneous report settings control the default options for standard reports.

In the Reports Setup window, click the Misc Settings tab.

Check a box to select a setting; uncheck a box to deselect.

Wrap columns when printing: Set whether or not column text is wrapped to the next line when viewing/printing Complex Report and User Queries.

Show PatNum: Aging, OutstandingIns, ProcsNotBilled: Set whether or not the patient number shows with patient name in the Aging of A/R, Outstanding Insurance Claims, and Procedures Not Billed to Insurance reports.

Monthly P&I scheduled production subtracts PPO write-offs:

Default to showing clinic info on Daily P&I report: Only available when Clinics are enabled in Show Features. Set the default setting for Show Clinic Info on Daily Production and Income report.

Default to showing clinic breakdown on P&I reports: Only available when Clinics are enabled in Show Features. Set the default setting for Show Clinic Breakdown in Production and Income reports.

Show a verbose history when previewing reports: Set the default setting for verbose history when running reports via the Complex Report System.

Allow using today's date in Provider Payroll report: Determines whether or not the Provider Payroll Production and Income Report (detailed) can include today's date.

Calculate write-offs by claim snapshot for today's date in Net Production Detail report: Determines which amount to use as the write-off in the Net Production Detail Daily Report.

Include procedures without a note in the Incomplete Procedures Report: Set the default state for the Include procedures for patients with no notes on any procedure for the same day checkbox on the Incomplete Procedure Notes Report.

Include procedures with a note that is unsigned in the Incomplete Procedures Report: Set the default state for the Include procedures with a note that is unsigned checkbox on the Incomplete Procedure Notes Report.

Assume all procedures are in the General benefit category by default in the Treatment Finder report:

Default to 'Date Range' tab in Outstanding Insurance Report: Determine which date filter type is the default for the Outstanding Insurance Claims Report.

Default to including hidden treatment planned prepayments on the Payments report: Determines the default state for the Include hidden treatment planned prepayments checkbox Daily Payments Report.

Default to 'Raw' format in User Query window: Determines the default format when running a User Query.

Default selected date for PPO write-offs: Set the default setting for Show insurance write-offs in Production and Income, PPO Write-off, Daily Write-off, Monthly Production Goals, Custom Aging, and Receivables Breakdown reports. See Show Insurance Write-offs for more details.

Excluded Codes for Incomplete Procedure Notes Report: Determine which codes to exclude from the Incomplete Procedure Notes report. D9986 ( Missed) and D9987 (Cancelled) are entered by default. Click [...] to select additional codes.