Fee Tools

Use Fee Tools to make copies of fee schedules, increase all fees in a fee schedule, and more.

In Procedure Codes, in the lower-right, click Fee Tools.

See our video: Updating Your UCR (Office) Fees.

Show Fee Schedule Groups: Only available for Enterprise users. Enable Show Fee Schedule Groups in Preferences to use this option. When checked, changes Clinic option to Group and lists Fee Schedule Groups in the dropdown.

Select Fees: Select the criteria for fees to be copied, exported, imported into, increased, or cleared.

Copy To: Select where fees to copy fees. See Fees Copy for detailed steps and additional information.

Export: Export fees that meet Select Fees criteria to a txt file. See Fees Export for detailed steps.

Import: Import fees from a tab-delimited file into the Select Fees fee schedule. See Fees Import for detailed steps.

Import Canada: Only displays for users in Canada. See Canada Fee Guides.

Clear: Erase all fees from the Fee Schedule, Clinic, and Provider combination selected in Select Fees. A confirmation warning is displayed before fees are cleared.

Increase by %: Incrementally increase (or decrease) all fees that meet Select Fees criteria by a percentage. See Fees Increase for detailed steps.

Global Updates: Select a button to update fees or estimates for all treatment planned procedures.