Edit Rule

Rules determine the timing and messages that go out on automated messages.

In the Automated Messaging window, double-click an automated messaging rule.

The title of this window varies depending on which Automated Messaging feature is being edited. Double-click an existing rule to edit, or click one of the following buttons to add a new rule for the corresponding feature.

Enable the Rule

Enabled: Determines if the selected rule is currently active. Rules can be enabled and disabled as needed, without having to recreate them.

Send Time

Set time preferences for sending the message.

Note: If there are multiple rules for the same message type, the system sends the rule that is closest to the appointment date. (e.g., if there is both a 3-day and 5-day Send Time, the 3-day is used.)

The following setting only displays when editing a rule for Patient Portal.

It is not recommended to change this setting as the message template does not update with the change. Instead, return to the eServices Automated Messaging window and select the appropriate Add Patient Portal Invite button.

Send Order

Select how the messages are sent to patients.

Patient Portal Invites

This setting only displays for Patient Portal Invites.

Determine which circumstances to send an invite to a patient.

A practice email is required to send Patient Portal Invites. Patient must have name, address, date of birth, email address, and a phone number entered for Patient Portal Invite to send.


This setting only displays for eConfirmations.

Send text message auto replies: Send an automated text message after the patient has confirmed their appointment. Customize the reply template in Advanced Settings (see below).


The default tab displays messages in the default language. When other languages are added, additional tabs display.

Template Replacement Tags: Insert replacement tags to automatically insert certain information. Options vary depending on the Rule Type. Available options list at the bottom of the Edit Rule window.

Tag Available for Description
AddToCalendar eReminders, Automated Thank-You Messages, eConfirmations Allows patient to add the appointment to the calendar on their mobile device (iOS or Android). When added to a device, the office name and address in included. This tag can only be used when the office is also signed up for eConfirmations.
If this tag is added to eReminders or Automated Thank-You Messages when eConfirmations are not enabled, the user receives an error message.
ApptDate eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, General Messages The appointment date.
ApptTime eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages The appointment start time.
ApptTimeAskedArrive eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages The time the patient is asked to arrive (Time Ask to Arrive). If no Time Ask To Arrive is entered, uses the appointment time.
Arrived Arrivals The Arrival code the patient replies with.
ClinicName eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages The name of the Clinic assigned to the appointment. If the Clinics Feature is not enabled, uses the Practice Name in Practice Setup instead.
ClinicPhone eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages The phone number of the clinic assigned to the appointment. If the Clinics Feature is not enabled, uses the phone number in Practice Setup instead.
ConfirmCode eConfirmations The included short code C in an integrated text message for the appointment that is being confirmed. Example: Reply [ConfirmCode] to confirm = Reply C to confirm. When a patient texts back the C, the appointment confirmation status changes to the Accepted status. If a patient has an additional appointment and receives a confirmation before their original appointment is complete, the corresponding [ConfirmCode] would then become "C2," where the number correlates to the number of appointment. The patient must only reply with the confirm code. Any additional text causes Open Dental not to recognize the response.
ConfirmURL eConfirmations The URL to click to confirm an appointment.
EmailDisclaimer eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages Displays an automatic opt-out statement for sent emails. When a patient wishes to unsubscribe, they reply "Unsubscribe" in the reply email. Once unsubscribed, the Open Dental user must manually remove their email address from future correspondence. See Email Setup for details.
NameF eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages Patient's first name.
NamePreferredOrFirst eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages Patient's preferred name. If no preferred name, uses first name.
NewPatWebFormURL New Patient Thank-You messages The URL as determined by Automated Messaging Preferences. This tag can only be used when the office is also signed up for eConfirmations.
OfficeName eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages The practice name in Practice Setup.
OfficePhone eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages If using clinics, the clinic phone number. If not using clinics, the practice phone number.
PracticeName eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages The practice name in Practice Setup.
PracticePhone eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages The practice phone number.
Password Patient Portal Invites Patient Portal password. Only available for Patient Portal Invites.
PatientPortalURL Patient Portal Invites The URL to Patient Portal. Only available for Patient Portal Invites.
Premed eReminders, Include a premedicate reminder for patient marked as Premedicate. Set custom message in Automated Messaging Advanced Settings.
ProvAbbr eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages The abbreviation for the provider the appointment is scheduled with.
ProvName eReminders, eConfirmations, Automated Thank-You Messages, Patient Portal Invites, Arrivals, Arrivals, General Messages The provider the appointment is scheduled with. If the appointment is marked Is Hygiene, this is the hygienist the appointment is scheduled with.
Username Patient Portal Invites The patient's username for Patient Portal. Only available for Patient Portal Invites.

Note: The [EmailDisclaimer] tag is a default tag on emails. It can only be removed if Include Opt-Out Statement is disabled in Email Setup. This statement includes Practice or Clinic address and instructions about how to unsubscribe from eService emails. The statement is only included in emails sent for Web Sched ASAP, Web Sched Verify, Web Sched Recall, eConfirmations, eReminders, Patient Portal Invites, the Confirmation List, and the Recall List.


Advanced Settings

When one or more appointments on the same day share a common patient email address and/or wireless phone number (e.g., a family), the associated messages are grouped together into an aggregated email or text (i.e., one long text message or email).

If a single patient has multiple appointments for one day, the texts or emails they receive list their first appointment for the day only. When confirming an eConfirmation, all appointments for the day are marked confirmed.

In the Edit Rule window, click Advanced.

Note: If using language translations, language tabs display at the top. Ensure the correct language is selected before editing.

Template Replacement Tags: A list of valid template replacement tags that can be used to insert data from the database into the message.

Tabs: Tabs vary depending on the Rule Type selected.

Add Language

Create and send messages in the patient's preferred language.

In the Edit Rule window, click Add Language. Select the language from the dropdown. Edit or add languages from Languages used by patients in Preferences.

When a language is added, a language tab displays.

Select the language tab and manually type in the translated message. When a patient has this language selected as their preferred language in the Edit Patient Information window, the translated message is used.

The language sends based off the following criteria:

To remove a language, click Remove Language.


What if I update the Send Time on an existing rule?

Existing appointments that have already been sent a message may receive another message once the eServices window is saved.