
The Commlog is a general purpose log of all communications with a patient.

In the Main Toolbar, click Commlog.


A log of all Commlog entries shows in the Account Module, Chart Module (depending on Chart View settings), Edit Appointment, and Recall List.

In some cases, the Commlog window may open automatically to prompt an entry after an action:

Patient: Read only. Patient associated with the commlog. This is automatically assigned based on the selected patient when creating a new Commlog.

Date/Time Created: System-generated date and time the commlog was created. This field is read-only. This field is blank for Commlogs created prior to version 22.2.1.

Date / Time: Date and time of the commlog. Defaults to the Date/Time the Commlog is first saved, but can be edited. This is the date/time that affects the commlog's placement in the Chart Progress Notes area and Account Communications Log area.

Types: The options shown are those listed in Definitions: Commlog Types. In some areas of Open Dental, a Commlog's default type is set based on where the Commlog is created. Below are the default Commlog types and associated usage types available in Open Dental. Type does not affect sorting of Commlogs. These can be edited in Definitions.

Mode: The method of communication. Modes are not customizable.

Sent or Received: Direction of communication. These options are not customizable.

Note: Enterprise users can enable Commlog fields blank by default in Preferences to default new Commlogs to have no selected Type, Mode, or Sent/Received status.

Edit Auto Note: This button only appears if an Auto Notes have been used. Click to complete Auto Note that may have been left unfinished.

Auto Note: Add Auto Notes to the Commlog note text.

Clear: Remove contents of Commlog note.

Note: The Commlog text. This text box supports Right-Click Options.

Signature Box: Enter an Electronic Signature. Saved signatures are cleared if changes are made to a Commlog.

In some cases, a Commlog entry is automatically created after an action:

Delete: Remove the entire Commlog.

Click Save to keep changes or finish creating a new Commlog .

Automatically Save Commlogs

If the preference, Commlogs Auto Save is enabled, new Commlogs in progress are automatically saved every 10 seconds, if a change was made. Auto Save is only available for newly created Commlogs.

Automatic Commlogs

Automatically-created Commlog entries that are not associated with a user, (i.e., created by the OpenDentalService, eConnector, FHIR, etc.) are previewed as one line of text. Double-click the Commlog to view the entire note.

If sending aggregated Automated Messages, there is a Commlog created for each appointment, even though one text message is sent.

To hide these Commlogs, These commlogs can be hidden in various areas. Show Auto Commlogs in Chart - Show Tab

The setting to show automated commlogs is saved per user.


Commlogs can include links to outside sources or other places within the program. Right-click a Commlog from the Progress Notes or Account Module to open a link.