Send Claims

View claims waiting to be sent, a history of sent claims, validate and send claims, and more.

In the Manage Module, click Send Claims.

Insurance claims can be sent, printed, and managed on the Insurance Claims window.

This window is non-modal so other windows can be open and used while sending or validating claims.


Claims Waiting to Send

The Claims Waiting to Send grid lists claims that have a status of Waiting to Send. Click a column header to sort.

Filter options: Set the filter criteria. Results are updated automatically.


Claim History

The History grid lists all claims sent or printed from this window and received reports (e.g., ERAs, acknowledgment reports). Double-click an item to view more information. Right-click an item to Go To Account. The list of claims and reports can be filtered by date or type.

Filter Options: Set the filter criteria and click Refresh in the Claim History grid toolbar to update the claims listed in the grid.


Note: For a report to be listed, it must already exist in the clearinghouse's default Report Path. Reports can be manually downloaded (click Get Reports) or set up to automatically download, (see Automatic Report Settings in Clearinghouses). Not all insurance carriers offer ERAs, reports, or the ability to automatically download. If report files are provided by a clearinghouse that does not support automatic downloads into Open Dental, files can be manually saved to the clearinghouse Report Path to be downloaded.

Etrans Edit/Claim Details

To view details about a sent claim, double-click it to open the Etrans Edit window.

Message Text Sent: Contains any data sent for an electronic claim (i.e., X12).

DateTime Trans: Date and time claim was printed or sent electronically.

AckCode: Acknowledgement code received from clearinghouse. Displayed if a 997 or 999 acknowledgement is received. See Reports section for additional details.

Note: Text that displayed on the Insurance Claims window, History grid.


Reports must be downloaded to Clearinghouse Report Path to be listed in the History grid.

Reports can only be retrieved once per minute. As reports are retrieved, a progress bar appears. Errors are recorded in the Error Log. Users can pause or cancel progress at any time.

Acknowledgment Reports: Clearinghouses are not obligated to provide these acknowledgment reports and may choose to return some or all reports for some batches and not others.

Text Reports: Reports usually come back from the clearinghouse as files placed in the report path specified in the Edit Clearinghouse window. They are then automatically imported by Open Dental and stored in the database. The original text file is deleted. Some clearinghouses use a web-based follow-up system rather than sending back text reports.