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Open Dental Cloud 3rd Party Integrations

The following integrations are expected to work within Open Dental Cloud. Not all integrations have been tested. Please contact Open Dental Support if any problems are experienced.

Imaging Software

Acteon Bridge ADSTRA Bridge Apteryx Bridge BioPAK Bridge
CamSight Bridge CaptureLink Bridge Cerec Bridge Carestream Bridge
CleaRay Bridge CliniView Bridge ClioSoft/SOTA Imaging Bridge DentalStudio Bridge
Dexis Bridge Digora Soredex Optime Bridge Dr. Ceph Bridge DXIS Bridge
EzDenti Bridge HandyDentist Bridge HDX Will Bridge i-Dixel Bridge
ImageFX Bridge iRYS Bridge Lightyear Bridge MediaDent Bridge
MiPACS Bridge NewTom NNT Bridge OrthoCAD Bridge Ortho Insight 3D Bridge
Planmeca Bridge PreXion Bridge Prexion Acquire Bridge Progeny Bridge
RayMage Bridge Romexis Bridge Scanora Bridge Sirona Sidexis Bridge
SMARTDent New Bridge Sopro Bridge Genoray Triana Bridge Trophy Bridge (Simple)
Tscan Bridge visOra Bridge VistaDent Bridge VixWin Bridge
VixWin (Numbered) Bridge XDR Bridge Apteryx XVWeb Bridge Z-Image Bridge


AOS Data Systems BCBS Georgia E-Claims DentalXChange ClaimConnect E-Claims Denti-Cal
Electronic Dental Services Electronic Dental Services - Medical Inmediata E-Claims Post-n-Track E-Claims

Payment Processors

PaySimple PayConnect Edge Express

Other Integrations

Bamboo Bridge CareCredit DoseSpot eRx DentalXChange (for statements)
DentalTek Bridge Florida Probe Bridge Oryx Bridge PANDA Perio (advanced) Bridge
PDMP Bridge PerioPal Bridge QuickBooks Online DentalTek Rapid Call Bridge
TSI Collections

Open Dental Software 1-503-363-5432