Vyne Dental E-Claims

Vyne Dental is a clearinghouse that provides electronic claim processing.

In Clearinghouses, double-click Vyne Dental.

Visit www.vynedental.com to learn more about their services.

Open Dental Setup

To enable Vyne Dental as the default clearinghouse, set Vyne Dental as the Dental default in the Clearinghouses window.

Default settings are preset in this window. Verify settings before sending claims and ensure the following is entered:

Renaissance Users

Some Vyne users may be using the Renaissance E-Claims clearinghouse in Open Dental. Vyne Dental is an updated version and users can switch at their convenience.

All new Vyne users should use the Vyne Dental clearinghouse.

Vyne Dental is moving all existing Renaissance users to Vyne Dental. If claims stop sending while using Renaissance, contact Open Dental Support for assistance moving to Vyne Dental. An Open Dental update may be required.