Colorado Medicaid E-Claims

Colorado Medicaid is an e-claims direct carrier.

In Clearinghouses, click Add.

The Colorado Medicaid clearinghouse must be manually added to Open Dental. Website:

Clearinghouse Setup

Set up the clearinghouse as follows:

Insurance and Claims

For all Colorado Medicaid insurance plans, set the Filing Code to Medicaid on the Insurance Plan.

For all Colorado Medicaid claims that are submitted electronically, the carrier associated with the insurance plan must have a carrier name of CO Medicaid.

Once the claim is sent from Open Dental, a new file is generated in the clearinghouse export folder. The claim has not been sent to Colorado Medicaid at this point.

To finish sending, users must manually send the file over dial-up modem. The phone number to send to, as well as the login information for the dial-up session, can be found on the welcome letter sent to the provider from Colorado Medicaid.