Web Form Setup
Set up web forms to be filled online by patients.
In Web Forms Retrieve, click Setup in the upper left.
Alternatively, in the Main Menu, click Setup, Web Forms.
The Available Web Forms grid displays all forms currently uploaded to the Open Dental web server. These forms are available to use online.
Only sheets with a type of PatientForm or MedicalHistory are listed. If there are no custom patient forms or medical histories, the internal versions show.
Add: Click to add a new form to the available list. Pick Sheet opens. Highlight a form, then click OK to upload it.
Update: When changes have been made to a sheet, the form must be updated to take affect. Highlight the form in the Available grid, then click to update it. Alternatively, web forms in use can be updated immediately after updating the sheet by clicking Yes to the prompt.
Delete: Highlight a form, then click to delete it from the Available grid. The form will no longer be available for online use.
These settings affect every web form uploaded to the web server.
Click Save to keep any changes to preferences in Web Form Setup.
Build a URL for patients to access web form(s). Parameters in the URL also determine options available on the web form. Patients can use the web form URL to access the form via the office website, email, etc.
Upon exiting Web Form Setup, these settings, including the URLs, are cleared. New URLs only need to be constructed if settings (e.g., forms, order, etc.) are changed.
To construct a URL, start by highlighting one or more forms in the Available Web Forms list. Each selected form generates a unique URL.
Next Forms: Link multiple web forms together in a single URL. Patients see a list of all linked forms on and can click on each one to continue to the next form.
Clinic: Click the Clinic dropdown to associate a clinic, or click [...] to select from the Clinic List. When a new patient fills out a form and no patient record exists yet, the clinic associated to the web form(s) will be assigned to the patient. This clinic will not override clinic selection on any existing patient records.
Auto Fill Name and Birthdate: When including Next Forms, a patient's last name, first name, and birthdate they've entered from the previous form is auto-filled into subsequent forms.
Disable Typed Signature: Allow or block patient from typing a signature.
Redirect URL: When patients complete their forms, they can be automatically redirected back to the office website. Enter the full URL (e.g., where patients should be redirected to. The URLs area will update to include the redirect code.
URLs: As the URL is built, the box updates to include the URL code. This is the URL sent to patients via email, or can be used as a link on the office website.
Every uploaded web form sheet must contain Input Fields for LastName, FirstName, and Birthdate so that the completed, retrieved form can be matched to the correct patient. The Birthdate field should only be used once per sheet. If additional date fields are needed (e.g., insurance effective date), use the Misc input field instead. Forms can be uploaded or deleted from the server at any time without damaging patient records.
Other sheet types, such as PatientLetter or Consent, are not available for use as web forms. Web forms are designed to have information input (i.e., patient is updating information). Patient Letters are designed to have information output (i.e., patient is receiving information). Consents are designed to have information input by the office (e.g., tooth number or procedure).
Only [dateToday] and [dateTodayLong] Static Text Fields are populated on web forms. As other Static Text Fields are unique to the patient, they are left blank.